
Posted Thu 1 Apr 2021 15.01 by Patchhy99

Hi everyone, I am in hope of starting my Phototherapy next month and trying to hear about as many peoples experiences i can. If you have had light therapy and would be kind enough to let me hear your experiences that would be great. Thanks all

Posted Thu 1 Apr 2021 15.06 by scarletsmummy

i had light therapy PUVA a few years ago and had to take medication a few hours prior to treatment to make me light sensitive , the tablets however made me violently sick and i could not continue after about 8 months , it did work in the short term but as soon as i stopped it was back

Posted Thu 1 Apr 2021 15.14 by lizziep

I also had PUVA some years ago, had to take medication and wear glasses afterwards for a couple of hours. As I was working, I had some sunglasses made so I didn't have to wear their goggles at work! It worked really well for me - and I got a tan. I used up the amount you are allowed in a lifetime and had to stop and of course it came back.

Posted Thu 1 Apr 2021 15.17 by Moggy1

I am also hoping to start light therapy shortly and heard people have had excellent results but everyone is different. I have been told you can either take the tablet or bath in a solution so maybe if the tablet upset your stomach you could try the bathing option. It a big time commitment but I understand it going to be 6 weeks 3 times a week ,8 months sounds a very long time. Good luck hope it goes well keep keep us posted

Posted Fri 2 Apr 2021 14.07 by Heavensent

Hi, I recently finished a course of light therapy uvb 1 had 28 sessions as that is the max that NHS will fund each year! It was amazing for me I was covered in April last year never had it before started light therapy in December and finished a few weeks ago. The good news I noticed a difference after the 1st 2 weeks, I started to have less scales the itching was not so bed which was intense! At the end of my sessions I was basically clear all that was left behind was a few shadows of where the psoriasis had been I did have a few areas that were still slightly raised which were my worst parts but they said that I was clear I asked for a couple more sessions just to make sure but they said that I didn’t need it. Bad news is that just two weeks after the areas that hadn’t completely cleared have now started to flareup. I have use this forum and have now made the decision to purchase my own bed I know they are expensive but it’s worth spending as far as I’m concerned I don’t want to go back to where I was a few months ago. However I’ve had many people stay clear for years after light therapy so I hope for you my sweetie that is the case for you 😇 x

Posted Fri 2 Apr 2021 20.27 by Moggy1

Yes I have also heard of many people who have stayed clear for many years my friends husband was 6 years clear . So stay positive and believe you will be one of those who goes into remission for a long period. I live in West Yorkshire and I have tried to find private phototherapy but haven’t been able to as I and I believe others would be willing l to pay for top up treatments. Good luck

Posted Sat 10 Apr 2021 17.01 by V62

I have had both PUVA and Narrow band UVB. Both nearly cleared my skin but I have never been without psoriasis in 39 years. However I was very happy with the result which kept my skin reasonable for around 2 years before the deterioration really set in. Of the 2 my understanding is narrow band is considered the safer treatment. (Less risk of skin cancer) There is a limit as to how much light therapy you can have in your lifetime so I have really tried to stretch mine out. I found using Aloe Vera on my skin afterwards helped to take any heat out of it and moisturised it. If you are having the UVB treatment I listed to music as it helped me know how long I was in there and made it more bearable especially once the time goes above 5 minutes. Good luck I hope it works for you.

Posted Sat 10 Apr 2021 17.22 by V62

Absolutely no way I would have that without my goggles on. I had goggles and closed eyes. I never opened my eyes until the machine switched off! I think as your skin clears it just starts to calm down everywhere. I have psoriasis everywhere so my scalp improves even though my hair is covering it. I would strongly challenge the advice by that individual/ their colleagues/boss. It’s your body - do what feels right for you.

Posted Sat 10 Apr 2021 21.13 by DorothyMac

I'm thinking of buying a mini-lamp or hand held UVB light as my psoriasis isn't responding to anything else and is almost unbearable under my chest - does anyone have any recommendations or experience they'd be happy share here? Many thanks

Posted Mon 12 Apr 2021 18.53 by Moggy1

I am also thinking of buying a hand held lamp Can you use and take acitretin? Does anyone know ?

Posted Mon 12 Apr 2021 18.56 by DorothyMac

I don't take anything and am hoping the hand held lamp will be enough - email from supplier saying it's on its way!

Posted Fri 16 Apr 2021 11.37 by jpd

I bought a unit from, it works, It cost £850

Posted Fri 23 Apr 2021 13.50 by Yacht

UVB can give 100% clearance. But (for most) the P returns as soon as the light stops, often within weeks.

Posted Mon 12 Jul 2021 16.14 by Johnyet1

Hi I am contemplating buying a uvb unit with Philips tubes. Can anyone who has purchased offer any advice on usage etc. Tia

Posted Sat 17 Jul 2021 12.02 by standbyme

Excuse my ignorance but are these lamps just like sunbeds?

Posted Sat 17 Jul 2021 12.16 by Johnyet1

Hi . No these are narrowband uvb tubes which are different to the tubes used in sunbeds.

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