People's experience with Adalumimab - time to work

Posted Sun 4 Apr 2021 15.01 by Paul macbay
Hi. I'm Paul and I have had guttate & plaque psoriasis from the age of 4 and recently PSA which first started in my teens but was missed.

Hi. I'd be interested to know of people's experiences with taking Adalumimab - specifically it's time to start working on active PSA. So far I have had 3 injections and am at week 5 of my treatment. I am not really expecting much to happen before 8 weeks or so. So far i have had a handful of good days but many more with joint pains, hands swelling and bad fatigue just as before starting on the drug. Finger crossed it kicks in soon for me. How was it for you? Thanks for your time. Paul

Posted Mon 5 Apr 2021 16.24 by Backofthenet (edited Mon 5 Apr 2021 16.25 by Backofthenet)

Hello, I'm new to the forum and found the org because like yourself I would love to know peoples experience in taking Adalumimab. It looks like that will be the next step for me. In the past 12 months or so i have had quite bad inflamation in my fingers / back of hands having had little problem there for years - everywhere else is fine ta the moment and I am very active. My Doctor has suggested Adalumimab on top of my methotrexate injections to help reduce / remove the inflamation in my hand joints - i'd love to get peoples views on if they find it works as well.

Posted Mon 19 Apr 2021 11.34 by MrsR

Hello, I'm also interested in this thread, very similar situation here feeling apprehensive about tolerating side effects. Xetc. Would be nice to hear others personal experiences. X ..

Posted Fri 30 Apr 2021 05.19 by Yacht

Medical studies suggest adalimumab (Humira) has a likelihood of 45% for achieving PASI 90 (90% clearance) at 16 weeks for psoriasis. Better than oral methotrexate (9%), but not as good as injected risankizumab (75%).

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