Hi - can anyone provide a newbie with advice on how to juggle the application of Protopic, emollients and SPF cream (newly diagnosed psoriasis of forehead/eyelids/ears)? The prescribing information only notes that emollients shouldn't be applied within 2h of applying Protopic. No mention of whether SPF counts as an emollient and needs to abide by the 2h rule, or whether it can be applied a shorter time after the Protopic? I know my consultant will just say to 'do what feels right' - but am hoping someone might have a better (more specific) perspective! Many thanks.
Posted Sat 10 Apr 2021 16.46 by OhNo_NotAgain?
When you refer to SPF, are you meaning an over-the-counter sunscreen lotion?
Posted Sat 10 Apr 2021 18.10 by Jockette61
Yes - or other cosmetic product with an SPF element.
Posted Sun 11 Apr 2021 10.53 by OhNo_NotAgain?
I would recommend NOT to apply sunscreen lotion to areas of psoriasis, they contain various chemical ingredients which might even irritate the skin further. They would not be regarded as an emollient.
I am in my 60s now and had my first outbreak of psoriasis all over my body when I was 22. I found that exposure to sun had an extremely beneficial effect on my psoriasis, but you MUST avoid burning. So limit your exposure rather than trying to use sunscreen.
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