I have severe psoriasis mainly torso, chest, scalp, hairline, forehead and on and around my ears.
I have been diagnosed with psoriasis since i was 14 and since then in school i had become a social outcast
I am now 20 years old living on my own
i have no friends (thanks to social anxiety and bad experiences from school)
i am currently unemployed and i am finding it more and more difficult to feel motivated enough to even go to the corner shop for milk.
I just always feel like everyones eyes are on me.
And i hate it
I try my best to cover as much as i can but when it is on your face it is rather difficult.
Unfortunately any treatment i have tried has had little to no effect
recently i have started having joint pain mainly in my knees and i am reluctant to go to my gp as i know the likely reason
I just wanted to know if anyone can give me advice on how to feel less self conscious when in public
Posted Mon 12 Apr 2021 22.43 by Moggy1
So sorry that your P has caused you such hardship at such a young age. Please go to your GP and get some help we all have down times but we have to try and be strong and fight the horrible disease.
Even just talking to someone will help.
Take care 😊
Posted Tue 13 Apr 2021 09.47 by Tess 58 years
I'm really sorry to hear how low you're feeling. As Maggy1 says it's important to talk to your GP about this and to get some support with your emotional well being as well as with your psoriasis.
Where do you live?
In some areas of the country there are Psychodermatologists who treat the combined impact of psoriasis and its impact on mental health. Everywhere doctors know how to help people with social anxiety.
Also there is an organisation called Changing Faces which works with people with facial disfigurement. Their techniques may help you.
Do you have a consultant?
Re going out, just going out for a short time and building up the time might help?
Posted Tue 13 Apr 2021 21.14 by V62
I think it’s really tough having highly visible psoriasis. My comment is made on the basis that I have experienced lots of stares, people trying to ban me from accessing thermal springs etc.
My mental armoury when people stare I ask myself the following question -
My health problem is highly visible - what is yours? (There will be 1 it’s just not obvious yet)
Also I will never see them again so who cares.
Tip - circa 80% of people only stare twice, first they see your psoriasis, second is confirmation of what they had seen and they stop looking.
Three plus I consider rude.
I would also suggest you ask your GP to refer you to a hospital dermatology unit who should be able to help you properly.
I hope you get the help you deserve to help you live life to the full.
Posted Wed 14 Apr 2021 16.45 by andrea have had p for too many years
I feel for you and I have seen this on my son who at 11 years old had it and it was over most of every part of him. And face and scalp. He tried tablets and creams from the dermatologist. But they didn’t work. They work for some but we are all different. So he is now on a biologic injection which he self administers every 3 months. He is totally clear. Insist on seeing a dermatologist and push how much it is affecting your life. Mental health & employment etc. Try to get out in the sun somewhere quiet as this may help as vitamin D is what we don’t get much of when our skins are flaring up. Plenty of leafy green vegetables & fruit like blueberries & kiwi to boost your immune system. And early nights. Stress is a big factor. Stick to unperfumed bath products and moisturiser. When people ask what is that just say it’s an autoimmune condition. And explain if you feel you need to. I find most people accept this and just don’t notice it, they see past it. Let them see your personality as beauty is only skin deep. I wish you all the best in getting some help .
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