Handheld UV lamp experiences

Posted Mon 19 Apr 2021 10.52 by AzureBlue

Hi all I’m tempted to buy a handheld UVB lamp, specifically one made by Saalux in Germany. I can’t wait a minute longer for the NHS. I’ve been waiting to see a dermatologist for over a year already with no end in sight. Anyway, before I shell out £200 I thought I’d ask you beautiful people whether you’ve had any experience with them and, if so, how effective are they? Any advice is gratefully received. Thanks

Posted Fri 23 Apr 2021 13.46 by Yacht

UVB can give 100% clearance. But psoriasis often returns within 1-3 months of stopping. It is rarely a permanent fix. Best to use a handheld UVB wand for small psoriasis spots. For example, less than 5 spots on the whole body, and no spots bigger than a 50p coin. Small wand = small spots For anything else, employ a UVB canopy or cabinet. Be mindful that it is very easy to burn the skin, in as little as 10 seconds. Be very careful. Wand = <5 spots Canopy = 5-50 spots Cabinet = >50 spots

Posted Sat 24 Apr 2021 17.40 by Matt1972

Hi Completely agree with yachts comments. Went through uvb therapy a few years back as I was covered in p. Cleared me up 100 percent. Went on holiday to top up tan. P returned fully though three months later. I did buy a small uvb lamp and would agree its best used for small spots. Very easy to burn your skin. I have done this a few times when using. If you have large amounts of p then a cabinet would be better.

Posted Sat 24 Apr 2021 19.16 by AzureBlue

Thanks both for your help and advice. I didn’t realise that the lamps could burn my skin so quickly. Also, my intention was to hold the lamp further away to treat a wider area but it seems, from what you’ve said, that I’d be better off with a canopy. They are much more expensive (like £1,000 more expensive, at least) but if that’s what I need, then that’s what I need. I’d pay anything to be clear of Psoriasis. Thanks again for your help; it’s what this forum is for.

Posted Mon 26 Apr 2021 10.54 by alex123

Does anyone have experience of using the handheld wand on scalp psoriasis? I was looking at buying this one: https://treatpsoriasistl01uvblamps.co.uk/shop/handheldmini/n-uvb-hand-held-lamp-by-saalux/

Posted Wed 28 Apr 2021 00.16 by Yacht

UVB does work on the scalp, but can take (weeks or months) longer, due to the barrier of the hair. Be very careful not to burn the "thin" skin near the ears, etc. Start with (literally) 5-10secs max. Think of how bald men burn quickly and go red in the sun... If in doubt, always see a doc, etc.

Posted Sun 11 Jul 2021 04.20 by Angry

The cheapest canopy is £800 pounds

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