Probiotic food supplement

1 Posted Thu 22 Apr 2021 10.12 by Jackie68

Has anyone heard of this "Axibiotix" food supplement that is being trialled at the moment? or is anyone actually on the trial currently? Does it work? Is it available? I keep hearing about gut microbiome and links to all sorts of skin conditions but don't know anyone that's tried it. I applied to get onto the trial but wasn't selected and am dying to know if it works.

1 Posted Thu 22 Apr 2021 12.02 by Jackie68

I already take a probiotic and I think it does help a bit but this is a specific formula for psoriasis. It's talked about here It seems like there's some smart science behind it and I wondered if anyone had tried out. When you look at their parent company page it sounds like they're at the back end of a trial with a couple of hundred psoriasis patients and I thought someone on here might well be on the trial and could comment.

2 Posted Fri 23 Apr 2021 13.49 by chris22

The study by Axisbiotix is coming to an end and the results should be available around mid May. The probiotics were specifically chosen using scientific evidence as opposed to some trials in which the probiotic choice seems rather random. The trial has been led by Prof Cath O'neil from Manchester University. The trial looks at Psoriasis mainly but will report on the efficacy in other skin conditions. General production should be before the end of this year and involves taking one sachet of a probiotic mix each day. Early reports suggest the results are very strong but we await official confirmation of this by the independent study assessors reporting in May. The initial production will be limited so that supplies for each individual will be guaranteed and then production will be scaled up in a stepwise fashion. Pre registration as mentioned is recommended and of course there is no commitment at the registration stage. I do know that the company has a high degree of confidence re the results of this study and we will know soon if this confidence comes to fruition. As a doctor I find this particular probiotic study very exciting and as I have said is very carefully science based. Have a look at the Axisbiotix site.

Posted Fri 23 Apr 2021 14.00 by Yacht

There is little academic evidence worldwide to suggest pro- or pre-biotics fix psoriasis. But it will be interesting to see the results of this Axisbiotix trial in May (or whenever). PS. Be aware that some posters hyping Axisbiotix on here may be shareholders in its parent, SBTX.

Posted Tue 27 Apr 2021 18.34 by tiff8904

I have entered into a probiotic study for plaque psoriasis. my screening is tomorrow and fingers crossed I can continue onto the trial once they have the results for all tests they need to take prior to taking the new medication.. x

Posted Wed 26 May 2021 16.30 by Yacht

The AxisBiotix results were released publicly today. The firm (SBTX) is claiming roughly 65-75% of people in the trial saw a self-assessed reduction in flakes, redness, etc. after 8 weeks of daily drinks for *mild or moderate* psoriasis. But there is not a placebo benchmark study. Its stockmarket share price in London has fallen today. It is being marketed as a consumer food supplement, not a hospital med. The 10min results presentation is here for everyone to watch. The patient photos in the video suggest a daily drink may "take the edge off" psoriasis, but certainly not full clearance. AxisBiotix hits UK shops or online retailers from Q4 2021. It is a monthly subscription service. You drink 1 (sachet) a day.

3 Posted Mon 31 May 2021 15.09 by ResearcherTop

The axisbiotix looks very promising, especially if you view the pictures and testimonials. What is especially striking is the testimonial from a practice GP, would be very interesting to get some news or information about this in the June AGM

3 Posted Mon 31 May 2021 17.32 by chris22

The results of this study look quite exciting with about 70 per cent of the participants with psoriasis who completed the trial showing significant benefit.This is remarkably high.The results are even more impressive in that the photos clearly show that some participants had worse than mild to moderate psoriasis. The drop out rate is about what was expected in a study of this kind taking into account a lot of daily reporting was needed,use of technology,not to mention the global pandemic.Twenty per cent of 'participants' didn't even download the app!! This still left about 100 people completing the study which compares favourably with the usual '7 out of 10 type claims' Remember this is a study not a clinical trial so the individual response to the treatment is what the study was trying to identify and clearly succeeded. At the very least these results are interesting and if I had psoriasis then there is no doubt in my mind that I would give this a go for a few months and see how it goes. It is important to realise that this treatment is long term and stopping treatment would result in the return of symptoms.Taking these probiotics will not cure anyone's psoriasis but it is aimed at symptom control for those with mild to moderate disease.

Posted Mon 31 May 2021 17.57 by OhNo_NotAgain?

I would like to have known how many of the participants had psoriasis as opposed to something else or nothing at all - it says in the presentation that MOST had a skin condition. It is disappointing that there was no mention of PSA except in the pre-amble. I certainly hope this does not end-up as another "miracle treatment". One strange thing, the first time I watched the presentation, ast the very end there was a full page of disclaimers. I decided to replay it and read morte carefully, but it does not shopw up for me the second time. I tried a different browser - still cannot see that screen again.

Posted Mon 31 May 2021 18.14 by chris22

Ohno etc This should help. In total there were 267 participants with skin conditions that were in some ways related in that they involve overactivity and over production of skin cells. 177 of those 267 had self proclaimed psoriasis. Of those psoriatic 177, 91 completed the study. I hope this helps.

3 Posted Mon 31 May 2021 18.21 by ResearcherTop

The amount of research and specialization that has gone into creating this probiotic is second to none. Dr Cath O’Neil is one of the best when it comes to this and Winclove are specialists in probiotics. The results are outstanding and one main thing to consider is that there are no side effects as opposed to other treatments. This food supplement will be able really help the symptoms of Psoriasis, Just reading the testimonials are absolutely overwhelming,

2 Posted Wed 2 Jun 2021 04.24 by Yacht

Lot of shareholders spamming this thread!

1 Posted Wed 2 Jun 2021 08.46 by chris22

Yacht It is unclear to me why a shareholder cannot give an opinion on study results. If you would like to challenge any opinion or anything put on here as fact by me or anyone else then feel free to do so. Simply putting up unsubstantiated negative comments is in the very least not very constructive. Clearly this probiotic supplement is not for you but reading the study testimonials it is clear that some of the participants experienced 'life changing' results. Back to the scientific discussion. A little pedantic maybe but I will respectfully correct a post that stated there were no side effects. Some very mild 'during treatment events' were reported but these were no more than would be found by giving a placebo! Assuming you suffer from psoriasis Yacht then I am surprised that you lack enthusiasm re this promising supplement.

1 Posted Thu 3 Jun 2021 07.53 by OhNo_NotAgain?

Chris: you say "it is unclear to me why a shareholder cannot give an opinion on study results". The issue is not that they cannot, but it means they are not unbiased or without a vested interest, and they should at the very least declare that interest. Even if unintentionally, someone who has a financial interest in the sucess of the product might interpret any perceived results in a more positive way than if they had no stake in the company or the product. The current situation means that we have NO idea who might be a shareholder and have a vested interest, and who might simply be a completely independent observer. These thoughts /factors are not unique to this study, but apply to any study not formally administered with double-blind and objective clinical determination of improvements.

2 Posted Thu 3 Jun 2021 09.32 by Jackie68

I can clearly state that I am not a shareholder in that company (or indeed any) but I am rather excited by this study that they have done. Heres an article from The Dermatology Times on it - I have put my name down on the waiting list as I'm certainly willing to give it a go. Does anyone know how much they re going to charge?

3 Posted Thu 3 Jun 2021 12.00 by chris22 (edited Thu 3 Jun 2021 12.02 by chris22)

Yes OHNO I can see your points which are not unreasonable but challenging their opinion by factual argument is the way to go not belittling their opinion on the basis of them being a shareholder. Jackie68...The pricing has not yet been decided but Stuart Ashman of the company has previously indicated that £1 per day or thereabouts would be the cost to the customer but I emphasise the 'not yet decided' which was a recent comment from him.

2 Posted Thu 3 Jun 2021 12.26 by Jackie68

Thanks chris22. If it is anywhere near that price, or indeed under £2 I will be more than happy with that. I pay more than that for a cup of coffee these days! I must say that the testimonials from the people on the trial seemed really heartfelt and genuine. I can relate to the older Gentleman when he talks about being mocked by children. Really looking forward to getting my hands on some of this stuff. Have they given any indication when in quarter 4 they will launch? I am hoping it is the start of October rather than the end of December!

Posted Fri 4 Jun 2021 15.47 by Yacht

As of today, the London Stock Exchange (AIM) share price of SBTX, maker of AxisBiotix, has plunged -17% since the results of AxisBiotix were announced in May 2021.

2 Posted Mon 7 Jun 2021 08.25 by Jackie68

I have been watching the share price. I'm not an investor but it appears that a to of people sell on news. They have risen 400% in the last year or so. The key thing here is that the testimonials indicate that the product works! I am certainly going to try it.

2 Posted Mon 7 Jun 2021 10.23 by KatG (edited Mon 7 Jun 2021 10.24 by KatG)

Jackie did you get onto the study? I was on it and it’s been a life changer for me, most of the extensive psoriasis I’ve had for over 40 years has cleared….and it’s still healing. I believe they’re planning on getting it for sale by the end of the year but it will be limited at first. Do keep a look out!

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