Am I the only one that gets nervous during summer

Posted Sat 23 May 2015 22.30 by Ayub.K
Emotionally, mentally and psychologically

Summer.. The month that everyone all of a sudden seems to become more happier, cheerful and excited. Despite the fact I also do share some of these feelings, am I the only one that also seems to get a sense of nervousness at the thought of a nice and warm summer day? I've always been a confident and positive individual, but the thought of a nice summer day when everyone is in vests, shorts and sandals... just seems to make me nervous knowing that I can't dress the same way as them, due to my Psoriasis being revealed. Of course, the sun is good for skin conditions such as Psoriasis, but trying to psychologically deal with my skin being revealed seems impossible. Just wanted to know if anyone else experiences anything similar or is it just me... Please let me know.

Posted Thu 4 Jun 2015 10.57 by scottyb (edited Thu 25 Jun 2015 17.30 by Linda Mairead)
I have had the condition for over 10 years.

I feel your pain!!! I hate being cold and my psoriasis looks even more inflamed during the winter but at least I can cover it up. Today the weather is lovely and hot and I'm sitting at work with socks, trousers and a long sleeved top on. I absolutely dread the summer watching everybody parading around in shorts and dresses while I'm dressed in jeans and long sleeved tops/cardigans. I can't even wear sandals with my jeans now as my feet are having a huge flare up at the moment and look horrendous. I've had UVA and UVB treatment in the past and having been using steriod creams for 10 years despite the fact that I know they're not doing my skin any good. Having finally joined this website I have now purchased the book recommended by one of the posters on here and am changing my diet/lifestyle to see if that will help. I actually feel quite positive about making these changes although its going to take some getting used to. I'd love to be able to say to you to not worry about other people but unfortunately I'm at the same stage you are. I dread the summer and I dread every wedding and social event that I have to attend and am at the end of my tether waiting for somebody to help me. I had a referral last June for secondary care and have been lost in the system twice so a year on am still using steriod creams and feeling miserable. Its affected my confidence and self esteem for years but its now starting to affect my marriage so I'm hoping this change to my lifestyle will help although I don't expect to be wearing shorts as soon as this year. When I got married 3 years ago, I had sunbeds leading up to the wedding and for the first time in years I was able to wear shorts on my honeymoon. Perhaps an option to get you through the summer but just a shame that anything that helps your psoriasis is bad for you as well. Good luck.

Posted Fri 5 Jun 2015 12.44 by isy9512
Psoriasis mainly on my arms, self-conscious especially in summer, embarrassed which prevents me from taking my hoodie or jumper off when I'm

I'm was not looking forward to summer this year. I've had psoriasis for around 8 years on my arms and face, I'm 19 now. Ever since I've had P I've always worn long sleeved tops or cardigans, I've never shown my arms in public. I use normal make up on my face and it just about covers the P up. I went for a skin camouflage consultation yesterday, and the practitioner matched the right make up to my skin tone (FYI I am like a ghost!) and she gave me a list of the foundation and powder I need, and I'm taking it to my doctor in a few days to get the make up on prescription. When she put the make up on my arms, my P completely disappeared and my P is quite bad and very red so I couldn't believe that it is invisible now! I'm not even joking, it's absolutely amazing, and now once I get my prescribed make up I can wait to use it and put a vest top on this summer! I highly recommend the skin camouflage service, go on the changing faces website and have a look at the skin camouflage section on the website. You can fill out an application form and refer yourself to the skin camouflage service, then they'll let you know when an appointment is available, which could take a few weeks but it's worth the wait I promise. Let me know how you get on with it. Isy :)

Posted Mon 22 Jun 2015 10.48 by gilligan
40 years

I have had psoriasis off and on for 40 years. I too dread summer but used to sit in the privacy of my garden thinking sun was good. Then I noticed my psoriasis disappeared in winter and flared about April throught the summer. Have decided the sun does not suit me. Recently it was on my face and chest and hands and I saw a tip to use baby nappy cream> Put Sudocrem on it and it paled it down straight away and after putting it on at night for 3 nights my face has nearly cleared, my chest has faded and my hands have paled. I put Aveeno on in the day. Give it a go.

Posted Wed 24 Jun 2015 19.35 by Asma
I have been psychologically affected. I reached a very low point last summer which is when I started to take positive action and research al

Hi I completely understand your pain and what you have both said echoes exactly how i used to feel. I say used to as I changed my diet and my skin improved rapidly. However i fell off the wagon several times using, christmas, birthdays and other events as an excuse. It takes a lot of will power but I am happy to give up certain foods if it means that my feet are clear. I became frustrated because there isn't much help out there. I therefore am in the process of developing a blog all about my journey. I am still on that journey, nut i will be posting recipes and their reasons behind the ingredients i use and how they benefit psoriasis. The Pagano book is very good but the meal ideas at the back are pretty boring and somewhat old fashioned and repetitive. As I say my blog is in its infancy but i will be uploading a lot of content which i have been working on, this weekend. Have a look because you will be able to relate to the "background" post. all the best xx

Posted Thu 25 Jun 2015 17.57 by suzannegad
Psoriasis has plagued my life for the past 28yrs. I have tried virtually all the products on the market but all to no avail. I am a woman of

I totally know how you feel. To be honest i thought i was the only one. Family are kind but they dont get it. Its the worst feeling, you cant imagine the amount of times i change my clothes in the morning just figuring out what i can wear to work without looking like a freak, long sleeves, leggings and trainers usually wins in the end. I want to know if there are other women of colour on this forum and has anyone had any joy with camouflage make up. Sorry to change the topic,

Posted Tue 30 Jun 2015 13.27 by isy9512 (edited Thu 2 Jul 2015 15.43 by doctormum)
Psoriasis mainly on my arms, self-conscious especially in summer, embarrassed which prevents me from taking my hoodie or jumper off when I'm

Hi, just a quick update. The skin camouflage make up is working wonders. I went outside for the first time without a cardigan on a few days ago and it felt amazing! Also my doctor has prescribed me dovobet gel to use once a day. I've used it for 3 weeks and my psoriasis has almost gone. The awful bumpy texture has completely gone, it's now the same texture and feel as my normal skin. And the bright/inflamed red colour has subsided a lot to a sort of pale pink colour now. So it's definitely gotten a lot better! And just in time for summer as well.

Posted Tue 22 Sep 2015 15.12 by lilylouisee (edited Tue 22 Sep 2015 16.26 by
Guttate Psoriasis for 4 years

Hello! I'm 21 and I am just about to attend University (better late than never!) and I am starting to panic about what to wear. For the past 4ish years, I've NEVER worn anything other than jeans, leggings or lots of pairs of tights.. (it is the worst on my legs.) I hate getting my arms out. But now that I'm off to uni which is going to result in a lot of getting dressed up and going out drinking. I would just love to get my legs out. I feel like I am never ever going to be able to show my legs to anyone ever again. It's not even just the guttate psoriasis that is horrible, it's the scarring too. It is very true, family/friends don't really understand. I wish I had the confidence to go out and not care but you know that if you saw someone staring at your problem area, you would feel self concious! and just want to run over to them and explain that you haven't got a skin eating disease - it's just psoriasis!!!!!! I would love to find clothes that would be a nice change from just jeans and a top - to a nice dress of some sort. Wish I could enjoy the beach and summer just like everything else! Lilylouisee.

Posted Tue 22 Sep 2015 16.32 by isy9512
Psoriasis mainly on my arms, self-conscious especially in summer, embarrassed which prevents me from taking my hoodie or jumper off when I'm

Hi Lilylouise, I can definitely relate to you! Can I recommend Changing Faces and their Skin Camouflage service? They provide you with special make up that covers the psoriasis completely. Perfect for nights out! I always use mine on special occasions when I want to get my arms and legs out haha. You normally have to wait on their waiting list for a few weeks before you can get an appointment but it's definitely worth the wait I can promise you that! Let me know I you want to ask me anything about it. Isy xxx

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