HELP - No options for treatment left

Posted Sat 24 Jul 2021 17.03 by Eugene

Hi MyaAshley. I have had psoriasis since I was 12. Firstly, on my scalp. Then it began to appear on the body. I tried a standard set of treatments and various non-traditional approaches. Some treatment helped but not for long (only few weeks). In 2016, I finally decided to see the herbalist, whom I had been advised for a long time. In general, the doctor did not perform any serious tests before prescribing treatment. Just diagnosed that I really had psoriasis on my skin. Her treatment system has 4 components: 1. Diet. During treatment you should not eat chocolate, garlic, should not drink alcohol, etc. 2. Decoction of herbs. She gave me a packet of herbs. Whole dried plants – I had to cut it by myself :) 3. Tincture of herbs. 4. Ointment (cream). Also based on herbs. I applied it once a day before bed. After about a month of therapy, I began to notice the effect. In general, treatment lasted for about two and a half months. Psoriasis receded. Only one spot left on my scalp and a few on my body. In total, 97% of psoriasis disappeared. I did not continue treatment, because what was left did not bother me. Besides, I got tired of applying that ointment. By 2021 I can state that remission continues. Those few spots that have left in 2016 did not grow. All these 5 years I have not received any treatment. Besides, I can't say that I have a very healthy diet and a stress-free life. I advised this doctor to other people and they also had positive results. In general, she said that her therapy helps in 99% of cases. The reason I decided to look for discussions like you’ve started, MyaAshley, is because I feel some duty to tell people my story. In fact, many other people can tell similar stories. For me the advice to take immune depressants, when it is possible to take tonics based on herbs, sounds a bit creepy. Hope my story was helpful. And I will be glad, if I can help in some other way.

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