Posted Wed 12 May 2021 12.35 by Davieg74 (edited Wed 12 May 2021 16.34 by Davieg74)

Hi just to see if any one has had the biological drug I’ve tried in vain to get cosentyx but have been offered ADALIMUMAB but I’ve never heard of it nor had any info on it other than the leaflet given to me today by the hospital Any info on how effective it is would be appreciated

Posted Wed 12 May 2021 18.34 by CBMan

It is sold as Humira, Hyrimoz, Imraldi, etc and has been in use for about 20 years (the third TNF inhibitor to be approved). You will probably find more information on it in this forum if you search under those names. I can't speak to its effectiveness from my own experience, I don't start on it until next week. However, the research I have done suggests that it has a good record of effectiveness.

Posted Wed 12 May 2021 19.26 by Davieg74

CBMan I am the same with be about a week before I start on it also Did see the Humira name on the info leaflet hospital gave me Thanks for reply buddy

Posted Fri 14 May 2021 20.26 by Yacht

Some studies suggest adalimumab has around 45% probability of achieving 90% psoriasis clearance (PASI 90). Secukinumab has around 57% chance of PASI 90. Both are better than oral methotrexate (9% chance of PASI 90). But less effective than something like risankizumab (75% chance of PASI 90).

Posted Fri 14 May 2021 21.47 by Davieg74

Yacht Regards for info Yes methotrexate had no change to my psoriasis but did damage my liver However the dermatology unit in Lanarkshire claim higher success rates with adalimumab But guess time will tell I did request Cosentyx but was declined as it’s not Lanarkshire’s first line biologic drug for psoriasis or so monklands dermatology unit state I can only go on what they say

Posted Mon 17 May 2021 15.28 by Gordie1

Hi, I am on week 12 of taking ADALIMUMAB. There is signs that it is working albeit very slowly. I did start on cyclosporran which cleared psoriasis up 99% but had issues with side effects. I then went onto another tablet which did not do much.. The fact that I know it can be controlled just finding the right mix is thing that is keeping me positive.

Posted Mon 17 May 2021 16.03 by Davieg74 (edited Mon 17 May 2021 16.04 by Davieg74)

Hi Gordie1 Thanks for the reply this is what they offered me in place of cosentyx that I requested but have said that if no reasonable change in 12 weeks I’d be off the treatment and try something else Can I ask are you in Lanarkshire Scotland as this is the area I am and nhs trust here push this drug as there first line Biologic

Posted Mon 17 May 2021 18.55 by Gordie1

Hi, No i'm in Gateshead but come under the RVI in Newcastle.

Posted Mon 31 May 2021 09.24 by CBMan

When I first commented on this topic I was about to start treatment with Adalimumab (Hyrimoz). I'm now two weeks in - due to have my second injection tomorrow so I thought I would post an update. My first impressions are very positive; The injection itself was trivial. I was concerned about being able to do these for myself, but using the cartridge system that I have been suppled with is farcically easy and completely painless. The only way I could tell there had actually been an injection was the faintest smear of blood on my skin when I took the cartridge off. The impact on my PSA has been incredible. Within a few days there was a noticeable improvement. Two weeks in and I am almost completely pain free and previously obvious swelling in my toes and fingers is gone. I can now get shoes on my feet that I have not been able to wear comfortably for several years. Major joints are much better as well. The change in my skin psoriasis is less obvious, but there in my opinion. I'm in my 4 weeks off period for Enstilar when normally my psoriasis is increasing in severity, so any improvement at all is unexpected. Hopefully once I get back on Enstilar the improvement will be more significant.

Posted Mon 31 May 2021 12.33 by Davieg74

Hi again CBman I am about to have my third jag this week my first one was a double dose ie x2 40mg in the pen cartridge. Like you from Wednesday last week til now I’ve noticed a huge difference between my skin and my joints and my movement within the joints. I hope and pray after 35 years of Iain that a break from psoriasis is on the cards long may it continue for you also buddy

Posted Mon 31 May 2021 12.35 by OhNo_NotAgain?

Hey CBMan, thanks a lot for the update, and the thought/detail that you have put into it. So far I have not needed anything other than topical treatments, but I have osteo-arthritis and there are the beginnings of PSA on top. I am in my 60s and had psoriasis since 1980, so I will not be surprised if PSA increases over the next year or two. Best wishes for continued improvement.

Posted Wed 27 Oct 2021 10.28 by CBMan

Thought it might be time for an update after nearly six months on Hyrimoz. As mentioned, Initially my PSA improved a lot, but skin psoriasis not so much. Over the next 6-8 weeks the improvement in my skin got more and more obvious. By the end of that period I had no active areas of skin psoriasis and just some areas of slightly reddened skin where the worst patches had been. This is where I made something of a mistake - getting a bit complacent. Under my rheumatologists direction I had already reduced my dose of sulfasalazine (I've dropped it further since with no ill effects). But because of the great improvements in the condition of my skin `I also became a lot less diligent with skin treatments (both moisturising and Enstilar). Active areas of skin psoriasis started to return and it was difficult to get back into the old skin treatment routine. When I do keep it up the condition of my skin does improve somewhat and is certainly way better that before the Hyrimoz, but it is a lesson not to get complacent. I can't help feeling that if I had maintained my previous skin treatment regimen after going on Hyrimoz, or something close to it, I could be in an even better place. A week or so ago I tested positive for Covid-19 - today is the last day of my official isolation, but I will probably maintain it for a few more days. For me (so far) it has been very like having a very heavy cold, with maybe a bit more coughing. I only felt really ill for a couple of days and am now almost completely back to normal.

Posted Wed 27 Oct 2021 13.18 by Davieg74

Hi guys That is me coming up on 6 months on Amgavita hope that is spelt right anyway, My first lot of injections were massive in comparison to my now once a fortnight. The larger amounts given initially kick started the process to help clearing my psoriasis in a big way. I had doubts on this injection but can say my aches and pains in my joints and muscles have gone as has my psoriasis. I also am just left with red marks that once were raised and painful areas of psoriasis am assured these wont go away as its the skin area is permanently going to be stained this colour now. I am not bothered about this as i have better mobility now and zero pain even in the cold weather.

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