Unable to obtain meds - Any alternative to medicine for severe psoriasis??

Posted Sun 7 Jun 2015 13.39 by harleygirl385
By my dermatologist at 4 years old.

I have been diagnosed with psoriasis since I was 4, started biological drugs 10 years ago due to the severity and aggressiveness of my psoriasis. Over the past three years, I have been off and on with the meds (insurance reasons) and I have learned that diet has a lot to do with the outbreak so I have been able to somewhat control it physically pretty well. However, my joints, especially my knee, are very sore and I have super fatigued all the time. I get really terrible bruising when I am off the biologicals. So, after all this I am determined to find a alternative to meds that I am dependent on - My question is this - I have heard of people curing themselves with vitamins and diet, and I need to know what vitamins and/or diet that would help me. Does anyone have any information to help me??

Posted Mon 8 Jun 2015 12.48 by HeleP

Hi I have heard that biotin (vitamin B7) has helped psoriasis. The bottle I have from the health food shop is D-Biotin 100 tablets of 1000ug per tablet. 1000ug is the same as 1000mcg. The bottle states one or two tablets a day.

Posted Tue 8 Sep 2015 06.24 by dougie
i have it all over my body

hi i recently changed my diet realising that the cure must come from the inside,so i avoid anything with wheat in it you have to be careful because wheat is in nearly everything i also gave up cows milk and use almond milk it tastes realy nice and keeps for longer i believe cows milk is for cows and if you check it out on youtube you will give it up too.i purchased a nutri bullet and have a smoothie every day i have banana,carrot,frozen fruits and spinach green vegtables are very good for the skin you can buy them from tesco or any other supermarket and i do not drink tap water i think that flouride is poison i have to wash in it bit if i had a choice i wouldnt so now i will explain the changes since the diet first i am 62 i have psoriasis or should i say had because it is definately fading and i think will eventualy go altogether im also about 17 stone and this diet has a nice side afect it also helps to loose weight because most foods that contain wheat are fattening i also have C.O.P.D and if i can bring my weight down that will help my breathing i hope you give it a try you have nothing to lose let me know how your doing god bless dougie

Posted Thu 14 Jan 2016 18.21 by neil_india

hello any type of psoriasis can be completely cured by plant stem cell , for more info call me on +919890877293, I can tell you treatment cost + can send you before after results

Posted Thu 14 Jan 2016 19.33 by neil_india

Pso can be cured completely by combinations of supplements which are I am giving here in India to treat Pso patients,those are combination of plant stem cell + Noni enzyme + Moringa extract if you want to know then call me or whatsapp me on +919890877293, thanks

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