New to this horrible disease

Posted Thu 13 May 2021 19.56 by WATP55

Having just in last year got psoriasis and not coping well with it , I am 56 male and it started on my legs under knee exactly same spot on both legs , about 4 inches length,skin just constantly burning and peeling off then scabbing ŵithin hours ,last few months really bad but now since April it’s spread to my inner thighs and back and bottom ankles etc the doctors said urgent referral to skin doctor at hospital 5 weeks have passed and no appointment just keep getting steroid creams from local doctor which ain’t doing nowt , it’s getting me down and depressed and not getting any sleep ,on very strong antihistamine tablets and sleeping tablets but still not getting sleep Itching all night and skin and blood on covers every morning ,tired every moisturer and ointment out their ,currently trying dermacool which is giving me a little relief , all my good clothes are ruined and I constantly feel dirty ,when I have been sitting when I move skins lying at my feet . I don’t know what to do can anyone suggest anything that might help until I see specialist whenever that is (I was getting my legs bandaged by the nurse each day with ichtypaste bandages then a stocking that helped a little but then started irritating my skin and was not helping in end.

Posted Thu 13 May 2021 20.51 by Mike Quigley - 57 from

The only solution to this phototherapy unit which you can hire. I was exactly the same as you last year Jan and was clear by March by renting then eventually purchasing it for the fear of the condition returning. Not sure how it works but if you need any help you can ring or email me for more information as i know how desperate things become because i was in exactly the same position as you. And if i can help anyone now in this situation I will. Regards. Mike Quigley.

Posted Fri 14 May 2021 07.29 by WATP55

Hi thanks Mike for response ,I am certainly interested in the hire of the said unit I can be contacted at the filling email address Thanks again

Posted Fri 14 May 2021 12.20 by Steview
A P sufferer for over 30 years, through good and bad times.

Sorry to hear the situation you find yourself in. It doesn't matter what age you develop P it is a shock when it happens, plus can develop and spread quickly. You have done the right thing to ask for a referral. As an aside my Father started with P earlier this year and I could see it spreading quickly. He was referred for an urgent dermatology appt and like you didn't hear anything for weeks. We just pestered the doctors weekly and in the end he got an appt through for the end of June. Considering the current situation that is pretty good. So I would be contacting the doctors regularly or call your local dermatology dep't explaining the situation. In the meantime keep moisturising, emmolient baths and creams etc. If you are considering renting a light unit sunbed) do your research and be careful. Good luck

Posted Fri 14 May 2021 14.23 by charmarr

I had exactly the same symptoms as you are describing.My GP referred me and was put on an urgent waiting list minimum 3 months. My daughter badgered me to see a consultant privately.Best thing I ever did. Saw him within days.Told me that I should have been put on a priority list and should have been seen urgently.It cost me around£200. This happened in my late sixties. You user name suggests you are in Scotland. Your health service may operate differently.

Posted Fri 14 May 2021 16.55 by WATP55

Thank you to everyone who has responded and given me advice , I failed to mention I have been given 2 courses of antibiotics and anti fungal 7 day tablets ? Currently I am on my second course of steroid cream (they tired one kind now a different one ) I find covering my legs with the moisturiser and steroid cream at night then putting the stockings they provided relieves my soreness and itch through the night ,and I cover the rest of my body with the dermacool which does relieve the itchiness on back and thighs / arms .. I do find my mood is low and the constant annoyance and mess is getting to me ,every morning we need to change the bedsheets which apart from the creams there is also blood

Posted Fri 14 May 2021 20.35 by Moggy1

Have to agree if you can go private it is definitely worth the money. I am a 57 year old female and started with psoriasis on my hands and feet last December. Had cream and antibiotics(x2) from the doctor with no improvement. I was never so low in my life. Asked the doctor to refer me privately at beginning of Feb and saw a dermatologist 5 days later I was told it was 18 weeks wait minimum on NHS .Best money I ever spent reluctantly I started on acitretin 6 weeks ago and it’s been a game changer. Slight side effects dry lips and thirsty but very manageable ,more importantly my hands are clear and I have an appt next week with a dermatologist at my local hospital to look at Phototherapy under the NHS. Feel I have my life back. Make sure your GP knows how things are effecting your mental health and if it’s possible can they let the dermatologist know you are available if there’s any cancellations. Good luck keep positive

Posted Fri 14 May 2021 20.49 by Yacht

There are (typically) four medical steps for treating psoriasis. 1. Mild = creams 2. Medium = phototherapy (UVB) 3. Bad = pills 4. Severe = injections Sounds like you're at step 1. As above, book a private derm, who specializes in skin every day, and get a (faster) second opinion. Make sure it is psoriasis, and not something like eczema, etc. They may recommend a course of UVB light for psoriasis, which can give 100% clearance. Good luck.

Posted Fri 14 May 2021 21.00 by Moggy1

Have to agree with psoriasis steps. I wouldn’t of started so soon on tablets if I thought I could get phototherapy soon. Even if I could afford it privately , which I can’t, no hospital in my area offer it and my local NHS hospital haven’t been doing phototherapy March 2020 so expecting a long wait as they only restarted a couple of weeks ago. My dermatologist said phototherapy is definitely the best option for clearance and hopefully a good period of remission . I am on a very low dose acitretin and hoping won’t have to take for long. Take care 😊

Posted Sat 15 May 2021 11.27 by SharonG

@WATP55 Please read the Blueberry thread - they might be worth a try - while your are waiting for referral - They are working for me - I have 10 per day and have done since August last year - I have seen a HUGE improvement as have others. No steroid cream/ointments - I felt that they were making it worse - all I do is moisturise with anything I can find that soaks in. So sorry you are suffering so badly :( Here is the link to the thread.

Posted Sun 16 May 2021 15.02 by WATP55

SharonG I think you right regarding steroid creams and making it worse I think you right ,I started this morning with the blueberries and will give it a go for a few weeks . Thanks too everyone who posted a reply I have taken on board all advice . I have been airing my legs and just moisturising them after washing with soap substitute which is for psoriasis. Getting a little relief which is a blessing , my mood has changed and it’s if honest feeling sorry myself ,thanks again taking the time to send me advice it very much appreciated

Posted Sun 16 May 2021 17.03 by SharonG

@WATP55 These forums are really good for trying different things - all we can do is share experiences and hope it helps others. BB’s seem to help me or maybe it’s a coincidence? Either way something is helping - my p is pustular hands and feet - last summer it was horrendous on my feet - nothing helped - heat made it worse - I could barely walk it was like walking on broken glass - cracked thick skin with pustules - grim - only relief was to sit with them in a bucket of cold water! So stopped steroids started on BB’s and creaming up every time I sat down - you wouldn’t think now that they were the same feet, Good luck.

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