Axisbiotix- Probiotic Therapy for Psoriasis

3 Posted Mon 22 Nov 2021 17.27 by The Dictator (edited Mon 22 Nov 2021 17.29 by The Dictator)

Anyway I see the uni selected for some more research Here is part of the company comment on it "This research programme with the University of Manchester aims to widen our understanding of the role that the microbiome plays within the immune system, and how it can be used to support ..]" ....... Widen understanding of role with immune system ? Is this why no direct health claims today? Fair enough htTps://

Posted Mon 22 Nov 2021 17.30 by lizziep

Dictator - I thought we agreed you'd play the silent game? :)

3 Posted Mon 22 Nov 2021 17.31 by The Dictator

Interestingly Catherine only speaks about potential etc. Makes sense with science to-date

3 Posted Mon 22 Nov 2021 17.32 by The Dictator

Yes radio silence now . IL go and discuss it with others elsewhere around the globe Check in , in two months

Posted Mon 22 Nov 2021 17.33 by lizziep

Perfect - see you then

Posted Tue 23 Nov 2021 04.40 by OhNo_NotAgain?

I first heard about this product just around the time of the trial results being published. There were some people on here making much of the fact that Manchester University scientists had been involved in the deveopment as signs of independent scientific rigour. After five minutes checking online i found that Ms O'Neil was a former director of the parent compoany, my first thought was "vested interest" and not "scientific independence". However I see that someone else here sees it as a sign of "a body of science" behind the product. At the end of the day, it is a probiotic, and as such it does well if it even survives in the stomach long enough to make any difference to the gut flora. Many probiotics do not. But even if it does not make any difference to someone's psoriasis, it is unlikely to harm them, except maybe their bank-balance. So people are obviously free to try it and see if it makes any difference.

Posted Tue 23 Nov 2021 04.43 by OhNo_NotAgain?

"Posted Mon 22 Nov 2021 16.51 by JT63 Psoriasis is supposed to be caused by gut problems. If that's true, probiotics will help." As far as I know, the "leaky gut" hypothesis is still just that. As far as I know, nobody is claiming to have identified speciofic "causes" of psoriasis, but there do seem to be some common "triggers".

1 Posted Tue 23 Nov 2021 11.24 by JT63

Surely the words "supposed" and "if that's true" covered that...

Posted Wed 24 Nov 2021 09.00 by lizziep (edited Thu 25 Nov 2021 09.19 by lizziep)

Hi JT -Ive been reading some interesting articles about fake reviews. On sites such as Amazon, people are paid to leave fake reviews - they can categorically say they are nothing to do with the company as they aren't. connected to it. Ive found at least 11 ringers on here. The don't say ,like you did, 'Ive been trying a pro biotic, I'll see how it goes' - they mention the name in any post, frequently with a link to the company, and then go on to wax lyrical about it, despite the fact that it only became available 3 weeks ago.. I'm not sure I am going to review this one, after all, as it is just going to bring in the next batch of false reviews.

2 Posted Wed 24 Nov 2021 09.34 by The Dictator

Good morning all. Judging by the reviews I found in many crevices elsewhere, I can only assume Two months has past?

Posted Wed 24 Nov 2021 11.41 by JT63

Lizzie, I get your point but I reallt want to read your genuine review. Just let me know how... Re reviews on Amazon. I always concentrate on the 4 star reviews as all the fake ones *always* give 5 stars to skew the overall rating. I've had two companies contact me from there after purchase, offering me free stuff for my review. One insisted on 5 stars so I ignored them, the other just wanted an honest review, which was fine by me.

Posted Wed 24 Nov 2021 11.46 by lizziep (edited Wed 24 Nov 2021 11.48 by lizziep)

ok,JT - perhaps I will then, but I'm pretty fed up with this companies methods - perhaps I will give them the benefit of the doubt and hope they didn't know about it? I can't post my email address on here or they will deluge me with rubbish! - I certainly won't be saying 'I wish they had brought it in decades ago' but perhaps it will help me.

2 Posted Wed 24 Nov 2021 12.14 by The Dictator (edited Wed 24 Nov 2021 12.15 by The Dictator)

I doubt they know. Research suggests they don't spend half their days on financial websites etc acting like users

Posted Wed 24 Nov 2021 12.18 by lizziep

indeed, but I would expect them to glance at this forum from time to time as it is their area of expertise, and it didn't stop at all - it's been going on since June.

2 Posted Wed 24 Nov 2021 12.25 by The Dictator

I do apologise. I had a few windows open and thought I was on the site offering a prize for the most sarcastic comment of 2021 award

Posted Wed 24 Nov 2021 12.28 by lizziep (edited Wed 24 Nov 2021 12.28 by lizziep)

I've woken you up, Dictator - go back to sleep and I will chat with you in 6 weeks time : )

1 Posted Fri 26 Nov 2021 17.37 by The Dictator

Good evening all. This two months is dragging. Any updates yet? Has anyone got a list of all associations globally? Asking for my relation who intends to do some deep research

Posted Fri 26 Nov 2021 17.40 by lizziep

Hi Dictator - your not very patient. I've only been taking it for 2 weeks. The jury is still out, but I think it might be helping.

1 Posted Fri 26 Nov 2021 17.41 by The Dictator (edited Fri 26 Nov 2021 17.41 by The Dictator)

That's great news. I believe I know a few subscribing to it as well. Their going to put reviews on a verified site though. Hopefully it's a home run

1 Posted Fri 26 Nov 2021 17.42 by The Dictator

In the interim, there seems to be associations east to west to Pacific for more research

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