Axisbiotix- Probiotic Therapy for Psoriasis

1 Posted Fri 26 Nov 2021 17.47 by The Dictator

As I commenced research in the area of microbiome/probiotic , I enjoyed it so much I have decided to dedicate 2022 to doing it intensively . So much out there and truly fascinating as well

2 Posted Fri 26 Nov 2021 23.00 by maxine67

Posted Mon 22 Nov 2021 16.53 by lizziep (edited Mon 22 Nov 2021 16.58 by lizziep) I'm trying this one, if it works, I shall certainly try a cheaper version as I cant afford the £54.' Where are you going to buy a cheaper version? What are you using now and how effective is it, and what is the pricing comparison?

3 Posted Sat 27 Nov 2021 01.19 by Chrissy (edited Sat 27 Nov 2021 01.21 by Chrissy)

Lizzie and Maxine, When you look for a 'cheaper version' you need to take into account that psoriasis is closely linked with a condition known as leaky gut (a hyper-permeable intestinal tract wall). Leaky gut allows food particles, bacteria, and waste products to seep directly into the bloodstream. It's thought that this is one of the causes of the auto=immune response and inflammation associated with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. If you listen to Professor O'Neill talking on the NPF audio podcast, she uses the terms "enhance the gut barrier" and "fixing up the gut barrier". Therefore, a cheaper version would need to do the same to be comparable and have the same function as Axisbiotix. Link below, if you missed the podcast.

Posted Sat 27 Nov 2021 06.04 by The Dictator

There is a clinical trial soon in 2022. Sensible thing would be to assess the structure of that trial and then assess/trial it. I'm sure they need this trial to find out themselves if it actually does anything. As for a blend done cheaply, that is actually very easy.

2 Posted Sat 27 Nov 2021 07.01 by The Dictator (edited Sat 27 Nov 2021 07.06 by The Dictator)

I'm not a scientist of course but I must say, people reporting good affects now seems a bit dubious. Even Prof. Cath O Neil says in an interview : "In terms of people with established disease the success of probiotics hasn't really been shown " Leading to: "Probably have to take probiotics for months to see an affect" So I'm not sure how we are getting good reports on a brand new product now

1 Posted Sat 27 Nov 2021 07.06 by The Dictator

I was watching her videos for science stuff so I could learn. I think though she needs to be taking forums with a pinch of salt. I was disappointed to hear this as one reasoning "Actually if you look at Psoriasis forums , a lot of people are self administering probiotics anyway and some of them are reporting good success by taking probiotics " Ok but has she deciphered who are investors etc etc? This was not the science leads I was really looking for Also with regards to a clinical trial, they are "hoping" to see a reduction in the relevant blood marker readings Not sure what the Self report app study really achieved myself then

1 Posted Sat 27 Nov 2021 07.22 by The Dictator (edited Sat 27 Nov 2021 07.22 by The Dictator)

I know nothing about markets but I did see this elsewhere, thanks to Anderson helping us here. C O'Neil "Probably have to take probiotics for months to see an affect" Ok, but the study ? RNS Number : 7973Z SkinBioTherapeutics PLC 26 May 2021 [....The 56 day 'self-managed' consumer study of the food supplement blend, AxisBiotix-Ps™,...] Was not months.

1 Posted Sat 27 Nov 2021 07.25 by The Dictator

Hopefully however, this planned study that did not go on long enough imo, given the professor's past view , was due to some miracles occurring that pleased a few shareholders thankfully , as well .

1 Posted Sat 27 Nov 2021 07.46 by ode

Hello, I am at Day 7 of the intake. It's easy to take. No effect on my pso for the moment my poop has changed "for the better". I won't give details ;) To be confirmed also I am a little less "rusty" when I get up in the morning. Yes I know... it's early to have any effect. Have a nice day

1 Posted Sat 27 Nov 2021 08.02 by The Dictator (edited Sat 27 Nov 2021 08.11 by The Dictator)

Thats great news Ode. A healthy poop is always important I do now understand where the thread heading came from or most likely did. As it was referred to this way in a video .. I am a bit confused as to how we define 'therapy' in this context Anyone know? For something to be a Therapy it has to be a bit more than something implied I assume? So, what is that? The video only says "possible Therapy". Heading here missing a key word

Posted Sat 27 Nov 2021 11.43 by lizziep (edited Sat 27 Nov 2021 11.45 by lizziep)

Hi Dictator - sorry - I'm not going to get involved at this point - too many ringers on this site - I now count 12! I'll revert back in 6 weeks and only then for JT - otherwise I'd just ignore it all.

1 Posted Sat 27 Nov 2021 12.17 by The Dictator

Very good. 6 weeks might be a bit fast though. The professor suggests such things need taking for months to take affect . Say 6 months then?

Posted Sat 27 Nov 2021 12.19 by lizziep (edited Sat 27 Nov 2021 12.23 by lizziep)

If it didnt make any difference in 8 weeks, I wont make it to 6 months! I note in their study one third dropped out and they were getting them free.

2 Posted Sat 27 Nov 2021 12.30 by The Dictator (edited Sat 27 Nov 2021 12.32 by The Dictator)

What I'd like to know about the drop out rate was it due to ; 1. Too lazy to take them 2. Feeling no benefit 3. Adverse side affects or 4. All cured, didn't need more product but didn't bother to tell us

Posted Sun 28 Nov 2021 11.36 by lizziep

I wish you people would leave this thread alone. We can make our own judgements without you trying to influence us all the time.

1 Posted Sun 28 Nov 2021 11.39 by maxine67

My sister has been using the probiotic axisbiotix for about a week now, so too early to see anything visual. She has noted less irritability around the affected area. The means she is not itching, thus aggravating psoriasis. She reports the area as much calmer, this has improved her sleep, and therefore her mood during the day has generally been more positive, thankfully, less angry. A huge bonus for me. lol

1 Posted Sun 28 Nov 2021 11.43 by maxine67 (edited Sun 28 Nov 2021 11.51 by maxine67)

Lizzie, why is it OK for you to have your say, and not for people like me providing key data and updates on my sister? You do not have the monopoly of truth, wisdom and virtue. I am at least providing links to what i am saying, rather than offering a biased commentary. I do not work for the company, nor am i invested in it. I will continue to provide updates, be they good or negative. I will not be seeking your approval.

Posted Sun 28 Nov 2021 12.02 by JT63

I'd like nothing better than to read about people's actual experience of using the product. So fed up with stuff published by the company being just cut and pasted over and over again!!!

Posted Sun 28 Nov 2021 12.06 by lizziep

it keeps them at the top of the listing -' no such thing as bad publicity'

1 Posted Sun 28 Nov 2021 12.09 by The Dictator (edited Sun 28 Nov 2021 12.14 by The Dictator)

Yes but real people would be helpful in the end. Given the investor & Co type push here early stages, I can only imagine who would be writing the reviews for the most part . This of course would all be a non topic if they held off the product launch until post clinical trial (due 2022, not sure if confirmed though ) The study was basically rubbish in both structure and allowed feedback etc Why the rush to market ? To what I am seeing elsewhere, this was a sell to financial market, rather than the consuming public, imo of course, of which I am entitled to Had a look at its share price. Millions made by a few. Doubt the product even matters tbh. But again, imo

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