Axisbiotix- Probiotic Therapy for Psoriasis

2 Posted Sun 28 Nov 2021 12.13 by The Dictator (edited Sun 28 Nov 2021 12.15 by The Dictator)

Somebody else said if a company on the FTSE 350 put this study to the public and launched a product , the asylum would be called . I am starting to think that would be correct. But in another way, not correct. A few did well, even if it flops

2 Posted Sun 28 Nov 2021 12.17 by The Dictator

JT is right. This is a thread for experiences. I do believe a massive "family tree" is being created for those wanting to look deeper but Il only post link to that stuff when it's out

Posted Sun 28 Nov 2021 12.20 by lizziep

Sadly the same ringers will be out saying they or their relatives have used it and the results have been breathtaking!

2 Posted Sun 28 Nov 2021 12.22 by The Dictator

That's assured Lizziep, and across multi outlets . But at least this thread will have some balance to it for those reading, and make their own minds up. I am afraid every other outlet out there will be? Well, just delete myself and yourself and read the thread lol

Posted Sun 28 Nov 2021 12.22 by JT63 (edited Sun 28 Nov 2021 12.23 by JT63)

I think it's reasonably easy to spot real accounts of using the product. They'll be the ones without the accompanying gushing reports of how wonderful the company is.

2 Posted Sun 28 Nov 2021 12.24 by lizziep

They will get smarter!

Posted Sun 28 Nov 2021 12.25 by JT63

Not from what I've witnessed so far...

1 Posted Sun 28 Nov 2021 12.27 by lizziep

As Dictator says, it's just him, me .....and you!

2 Posted Sun 28 Nov 2021 12.28 by The Dictator (edited Sun 28 Nov 2021 12.30 by The Dictator)

There are many methodologies for piggy back riding 'a flow'. I'm not an expert in it but a friend told me simple versions . Example , free prime SEO So a product has target words example 'probiotic' 'psoriasis' Two drills. First software search is where it is top topic . Then create an emotional header of 'affectiveness' - and basically free ride a sites SEO for own product etc This is simple stuff. Can get very complex and way beyond myself But anyone with this expertise will probably do such software analysis and find pretty much the same users /styles on top 10 for SEO Its a key way to get to Google page one , free . The problem is our discussion. They don't want this as the search return . So it seems it can get nasty in places . Not my style thankfully

3 Posted Sun 28 Nov 2021 12.43 by The Dictator (edited Sun 28 Nov 2021 12.43 by The Dictator)

Anderson seems very good at defaming anyone without his view But he does seem to be a very active user on an investors site as he keeps talking about it So the question is, taking you for fools? Or partner really on it? We will never know,......

Posted Sun 28 Nov 2021 15.06 by lizziep (edited Sun 28 Nov 2021 15.45 by lizziep)

your post to me was removed Maxine it might have been the same one that accused JT of being a plant - it was just before the one where Chris seemed to say I was someone he knew as I 'wasn't fooling him'. Also you said it had been life changing for your twin. But that is it - I'm not getting into a slanging match with you . I've been on this site years and have found it very useful, but I will break now for6 weeks. I'm switching off notifications. See you after xmas

2 Posted Sun 28 Nov 2021 16.30 by The Dictator (edited Sun 28 Nov 2021 16.32 by The Dictator)

"There we have it. JT63, Lizzziep and the dictator want to control the narrative. Same person with multiple accounts? And Lizzie making up comments attributed to me after being removed? The only post of mine removed is the one showing the link between the dictator and him on a financial forum where he is even more prolific at trashing the company, presumably because he lost money." Maxine can you please refrain from making unfounded and defamatory remarks please? All we are doing is discussing products and their benefits, and suddenly a few of you have turned the whole board into a marketing/investing forum. I hope the moderator gets time to look at Anderson's and Maxine's remarks and bans them if judges them disingenuous Can we please stick to the topic re Psoriasis and how to improve lives? Most of us do not understand the markets side and tbh I find it boring anyway Thank you Mike

2 Posted Sun 28 Nov 2021 16.55 by The Dictator (edited Sun 28 Nov 2021 16.56 by The Dictator)

Wow. Do you both not think that you're last two posts and insults just confirm everyone's thoughts ? Unfounded insinuations , Abusive , Defamatory etc... Shocking really and sad I will not lower my standards by getting involved in this I will ignore you both now and stick to what this website is actually for Regards Mike

2 Posted Sun 28 Nov 2021 17.07 by The Dictator (edited Sun 28 Nov 2021 17.08 by The Dictator)

And for the record, I do not wish to dissuade people from trying anything I encourage it for those whom can afford the extortionate monthly cost Reviews are important for us all to assess but at this stage, I'm thinking nearly all reviews everywhere will just be Anderson and Maxine anyway I was very open minded and if anything, I hope the company see this thread and take appropriate action with you both for degrading all their efforts Regards Mickey

2 Posted Sun 28 Nov 2021 17.37 by The Dictator (edited Sun 28 Nov 2021 17.38 by The Dictator)

Hello Anderson That was not sniping. It was simply an opinion. I do note you totally ignored that I also said " I encourage it " (people to buy and try ) Why do you have to be so negative and find fault in everything? It is not a good trait I reiterate : "Buy and try " (despite the cost )

3 Posted Sun 28 Nov 2021 17.50 by The Dictator (edited Sun 28 Nov 2021 17.51 by The Dictator)

I read that website you always mention. I did see something about a soft launch due to logistical issues. Is that right? A method to ensure continuity. What i can't find is how long they will guarantee supply for at minimum, example say, 10 years . I just read on the site also, quote " When you stop taking the product, the symptoms will return " I'm not sure who the person was quoting. I will check. If correct, what is the minimum years that they are assuring supply? And also, has there been a study to conclude symptoms won't return worse than originally , if the product gets terminated for any reason ? Just some science questions I wanted to ask on behalf of my relation, before I start subscribing for him

Posted Sun 28 Nov 2021 19.10 by OhNo_NotAgain?

I am a psoriasis sufferer. I am in my 60s and has psoriasis since 17 January 1980 (when I woke after a very heavy drinking session to find my face red and blotchy, and within a few days my whole body covered in plaques). I read the trial results and the basis and format of the Axisbiotics trial and I did not see anything truly impressive. The reporting was quite vague about how many starting the trial actually had psoriasis, although it WAS clear that not all had psoriasis and some definitely had other conditions. I recall that the various numbers added up never matched the number of reported participants. The numbers actually finishing the trial were surprisingly low. The methods of judging whether or not participants' conditions had improved were clearly not rigorous. At the time that the trial results were released there was an extensive thread on here discussing all of this, but I cannot find it anymore, it seems that the entire thread might have been removed. But none of this means that taking this probiotic is definitely of zero benefit to health generally or to skin conditions, or to psoriasis in particular. But certainly the more I read about the trial and how it was run and the reported results, my scepticism increased. The trial results certainly did not demonstrate in anything close to an objective manner that this is an effective treatment for psoriasis. But as I have written before, it is probably not going to harm anyone so why not try this dietary food-supplement if you wish to and can afford the cost. It has at least been certified by the FDA as non-harmful as a food supplement.

Posted Sun 28 Nov 2021 19.28 by The Dictator

That is an excellent post I would also add, simply ask you're doctor Imo if doctor says go ahead and try, why not ?

2 Posted Sun 28 Nov 2021 19.36 by The Dictator (edited Sun 28 Nov 2021 19.37 by The Dictator)

I was reading Anderson's website and came across this post. Suggests foods that provide 'live' equivalents ? "Olives, sauerkraut, pickles, with a bit of salmon, and activa yogurt for dessert. Delicious. And thanks to Sbtx for highlighting probiotics, I never realised how important the real ones are" Sounds tasty anyway. A nice probiotic menu

Posted Sun 28 Nov 2021 19.50 by JT63 (edited Sun 28 Nov 2021 19.50 by JT63)

What is it with Anderson and Maxine constantly accusing people of being liars and frauds. "The lady doth protest too much" comes to mind. Sick of getting my inbox flooded and nothing to read but false accusations. It would be nice if people kept their nonsense to themselves. Hopefully the mods will yet again remove these inflammatory remarks. I'm sure Admin are fed up with it too.

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