Axisbiotix- Probiotic Therapy for Psoriasis

3 Posted Sun 28 Nov 2021 19.50 by The Dictator (edited Sun 28 Nov 2021 19.50 by The Dictator)

Anderson Dictator, how is your treatment going, and stop lying ,,,,, I have clearly stated multiple times on this thread, I do not have Psoriasis . But a relation suffers badly with it and I am happy to do all I can to help How is your partner's treatment going? You might as well keep on lying

Posted Sun 28 Nov 2021 20.24 by lizziep (edited Sun 28 Nov 2021 20.30 by lizziep)

Guys - stop - this isn't helping anyone at all. Agree you are never going to agree and just move on. COVID is much more worrying than whether or not this probiotic is effective.

4 Posted Sun 28 Nov 2021 21.09 by The Dictator (edited Sun 28 Nov 2021 21.09 by The Dictator)

Not persuaded him yet. I am trying but need to convince him to stop being so scientific Indeed Lizziep truly worrying . But maybe soon , some probiotic will imply a cure ProCovid. Although name doesn't appeal

Posted Sun 28 Nov 2021 21.10 by lizziep (edited Sun 28 Nov 2021 21.20 by lizziep)

no more - it's getting unbearable, dictator and in the scheme of things it really doesn't matter - well it certainly doesn't matter to me.

1 Posted Sat 4 Dec 2021 08.49 by ode

2 Weeks: Nothing to report. Intestinal comfort seems to be established. For your information, I couldn't tell you if it doesn't itch anymore, because my pso, by chance, rarely itches.

Posted Sat 4 Dec 2021 08.56 by lizziep

Hi Ode I have 10 packs left from the first box. I also don't have anything much to report. At first I thought there might be some improvement in scaling, and perhaps there is a small amount, but nothing significant. But no change in anything else including itching - and certainly not in sleeping better!!

3 Posted Sat 4 Dec 2021 22.47 by Toyin

Question for ode & lizzie. Can you post your batch numbers please?

Posted Sun 5 Dec 2021 09.19 by ode

Hello @Toyin. Yes of course I can, and I would gladly do so to a member of the forum association. This information is private and I don't know you particularly well. On the other hand, my order number is only numbers. it does not contain any letters. unless I take the wrong order reference...

Posted Sun 5 Dec 2021 09.22 by lizziep (edited Sun 5 Dec 2021 09.24 by lizziep)

Hi Ode - I gave him the number off the box rather than my order number - but I am more irritated than I was before, if that's possible! This company is giving me bad vibes.

1 Posted Sun 5 Dec 2021 09.23 by Toyin

Thanks Lizzie. I just like to know who is genuine. FYI, my connection to the company is I was on the study and I use the product. The product worked for me and all I wanted was to get the word out, if that offended anyone, sorry.

Posted Sun 5 Dec 2021 09.25 by lizziep (edited Sun 5 Dec 2021 09.32 by lizziep)

Toyin, if I remember - although I can't be bothered to go back and look as it was all so endless - you were the only one who admitted to having had a connection. And since when did a mere study member ask for proof from others as to batch numbers, because how would you know if a batch number was genuine?

Posted Sun 5 Dec 2021 09.28 by ode (edited Sun 5 Dec 2021 09.34 by ode)

indeed @lizziep on the box I have the same style of number. I can understand about the bad vibes. But should we question the product, I don't think so. They basically screwed up on their digital communications, which is catastrophic. And since some in this thread are more than a little suspicious, it adds to the confusion. I for one will continue, for now, I have ordered 2 boxes, I will take both. And I will continue to post the results whether they are good or bad.

3 Posted Sun 5 Dec 2021 09.41 by Toyin

I asked because I believe there are some, not very well intentioned people on this board. Like I have always said, if you want to try it, try it, if you don’t, don’t. I would know because the study boxes had batch numbers and the boxes that I have purchased since have batch numbers. So I know what a batch number looks like and would be able to tell.

Posted Sun 5 Dec 2021 09.48 by lizziep

I'm not posting on this thread again for at least 2 weeks as I dont wish to get caught up in all their nastiness again.

Posted Sun 5 Dec 2021 11.00 by lizziep

What are you talking about Maxine - I gave the batch number

Posted Sun 5 Dec 2021 11.08 by lizziep (edited Sun 5 Dec 2021 11.09 by lizziep)

? shut you down? You've completely lost me - how do you come into it?

1 Posted Sun 5 Dec 2021 11.11 by Toyin

Let’s all be nice please.

Posted Sun 5 Dec 2021 11.12 by lizziep


1 Posted Sun 5 Dec 2021 15.01 by ode (edited Sun 5 Dec 2021 15.11 by ode)

Proof Dim 05 (wait next please) Here is the proof! the box, the bags, the date, the last posts of the forum, my last post and even a stain of pso. image valid for 1 week. I just wish some of you would realize how humiliating it is to hear some of the comments. When I think that I just want to share my experience and my hope....

1 Posted Sun 5 Dec 2021 15.15 by lizziep (edited Sun 5 Dec 2021 15.34 by lizziep)

Ode This thread is not a pleasant one, A lot of the vitriol was directed at me and is just best ignored, Post again after Christmas.

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