Axisbiotix- Probiotic Therapy for Psoriasis

Posted Sat 23 Dec 2023 06.36 by Chris7319

Hi all i am on my 3rd box now i find that the redness goes quite quick or has for me but i still have psoriasis bad. I do find it helps with my stomach tho as i take pantaparzole since taking axisbiotics i havent had an upset stomach once. I will be moving over to aciterin next week last shot for me that

Posted Sat 23 Dec 2023 09.26 by Toyin (edited Sat 23 Dec 2023 09.28 by Toyin)

Hi Chris, I have been taking Axis for over three years now, what I would say is, it takes time, I don’t know how long you have had psoriasis but the skin cycles every month so that’s only three cycles. It took me over twelve months to be about 90% clear, it’s a slow process and everyone is different. All the best.

Posted Sat 23 Dec 2023 10.36 by JH2020

I will definitely be trialling this product for 2/3 months. Ciclosporine took 1 month to see any real changes and maybe 4-6 months to fully clear my psoriasis. This product only inhibits two ILs so i expect this to be a much slower treatment then immunosuppressant

Posted Fri 29 Dec 2023 19.50 by JH2020

Day 16 no major changes this week on axis Biotix pretty much the same as last week. Half way through the box now will get my second box ordered shortly so I don’t miss any days. Will report back again in a week or two

Posted Mon 1 Jan 2024 11.55 by Jesse Jolliffe

Gday guys, I have bad palmoplantar psoriasis on my hands and feet but particularly on my feet. Have been on Acitretin since March 23, started on 25mg and took it up to 35mg a day in June. I have just stopped taking them as I want to try a natural alternative. Just wondering if anyone has read a book called ‘THE PSORIASIS STRATEGY’ written by Jullissa Clay and done her 4 week program? I’ve also changed my diet to no gluten, no dairy and no processed sugars to see if that helps and will be doing a 3 day juice fast to help reset the gut as that could be connected to my constant flare ups. Will let you know how I go or if anything works. Cheers, Jesse

Posted Mon 1 Jan 2024 14.25 by Wayne'0'

Hi Jesse I will be very interested to hear how your body responds to the new direction you are taking..I will check out the book you mention too.. I have to say my body has responded incredibly well to Axisbiotix, I was due to start Acitretin but thankfully now don't have to due the results I have experienced..I would definitely recommend it as it is only a probiotic. After 20 years of trying to manage plaque psoriasis it now feels so much easier to do so!

Posted Mon 1 Jan 2024 14.32 by JH2020

Jesse keep us posted how you get on. I hope it works for you.

Posted Mon 1 Jan 2024 21.38 by Jesse Jolliffe

Hey Wayno I will definitely give this axis biotix a go aswell. I feel a lot better not on the Acitretin and the little patches of hair that are growing back that went missing while on them too. The Acitretin did kind of keep it at bay but never really got rid of it %100 and would still have flare ups after surfing and a lot of salt water. My hands would still crack when working without gloves. If I can do this naturally just with diet and a few toiletries changes, moisturiser etc I’ll be stoked. Keep ya posted. Jesse

Posted Mon 1 Jan 2024 21.42 by Jesse Jolliffe

Be cool if we could post photos on this forum.

Posted Wed 3 Jan 2024 10.37 by ASP (edited Wed 3 Jan 2024 10.39 by ASP)

I have started taking AxisBiotiX on 28th Dec 2023. A year back I tried but stopped due to knee pain. I am having psoriasis since 1988. I tried Dr Hengs protocol and it worked in 2008. There was a relapse and again went for the same protocol in 2020. Worked for sometime. Third time in August of last year was not successful. I get AxisBiotiX imported and the customs/shipping charges adds to the cost

Posted Wed 3 Jan 2024 21.30 by JH2020

Day 21 of axisbiotix no real progress yet and some smaller flare ups have appeared. Some areas that looked as though they were healing have recently gotten worse, more inflamed etc so kind of back to square one. I’ve been taking mine with Luke warm water in the morning before breakfast, to the people who have seen good success with this do they drink in the mornings at night? In any case I will be persevering for the full 2 months. I have my next dermatologist appointment early feb so if axis doesn’t work I’ll be on the next immunosuppressant unfortunately. Hopefully not though. Still have hope

Posted Sat 13 Jan 2024 10.09 by JH2020 (edited Sat 13 Jan 2024 10.10 by JH2020)

Day 31 of axisbiotix. Sadly no progress, and my psoriasis has actually worsened in some areas. I’ve reduced pretty much all sugar from my diet and will continue that while on axis biotix. I’m also taking vit C&D supplements. I’m on to my second box of axis now so hopefully this month will see some progress. Next dermatologist appointment is in 3 weeks with a plan to get on methotrexate if I see no progress this month. How is everyone else doing with their AxisBiotix?

Posted Sat 13 Jan 2024 16.45 by Wayne'0' (edited Sat 20 Jan 2024 08.50 by Wayne'0')

Hi Jh2020 Hopefully your body will respond in the next month or so.. I know they do recommend giving two months before seeing improvement and up to Year for your gut biom to fully utilise Axisbiotix.. I would like to throw a little curve ball.. I have been using colloidal silver on and off in cycles for the 18 months and have found it incredibly helpful, particularly during flare ups. I'm fortunate to have a chemist where I live who focus on alternative, natarual remedies.. colidal silver was recommended to me after I got covid and had a particularly bad flare up and it worked wonders. My chemist make thier own solution which is very diluted and safe to take in 3 month cycles. I recently sourced another one called 'Healthwest Ionic silver' They have a website which is worth looking into for more information. They also do another supplement called 'fulvic Acid' Which I believe is a game changer!! Irrespective of psoriasis. I Hope this provides another avenue for you. I have to say I'm experiencing the clearest skin, most stress free winter I've had in the last 20 years. This time last year was really bad. Axisbiotix has definitely been the contributing factor.

Posted Sat 20 Jan 2024 03.00 by windowstoweb

I an also on Ampremilast for one month. Looks getting better

Posted Mon 5 Feb 2024 18.22 by JH2020

Day 54 of axis biotix, sadly no improvements, although I just bought 3rd box so will continue for this month. I had an appointment with my dermatologist today and due to my condition deteriorating they have recommended I go on to biological treatment Adalimumab injections, has anybody else gone on this?

Posted Thu 27 Jun 2024 08.41 by nimbus1

I've been using this for 4 months - I'm not seeing any improvement unfortunately. I know they say to give it upto a year to see results but I'm losing faith in this product and its not cheap also!

Posted Thu 27 Jun 2024 09.16 by Seanie

My brother went on Adalimumab injections for his psoriasis, and it made a huge difference for him. His skin cleared up significantly, and his symptoms improved. It's definitely worth considering if your dermatologist recommends it.

Posted Thu 27 Jun 2024 09.52 by OhNo_NotAgain? (edited Thu 27 Jun 2024 10.05 by OhNo_NotAgain?)

@nimbus1 : who says give it up to a year? Is that in the manufacturer instructions? In the user "trials" before it went commercially on sale, they claimed miracle results in 4-6 weeks. A more sceptical person than myself might think that a "try it for a year" might be a way to persuade people to keep buying it for longer than they might otherwise, if they are seeing no improvements in their condition. To be honest, I followed the trials, and I ws not at all impressed by the structure and lack of rigour applied. Some of the early and repeated posters on here extolling the results of this prodict seemed to perhaps have financial interests (ie shareholders) in the company manufacturing and selling this - and certainly they said results in 4-6 weeks.

Posted Thu 27 Jun 2024 10.03 by nimbus1

indeed I've read such posts also but ill give it another month which will be 6 months and if no improvement then back to the drawing board "

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