Axisbiotix- Probiotic Therapy for Psoriasis

1 Posted Mon 22 Nov 2021 13.13 by lizziep (edited Mon 22 Nov 2021 13.25 by lizziep)

This is a most unpleasant thread and I don't wish to interact with you, ode

Posted Mon 22 Nov 2021 13.28 by ode

It is true that this thread is very unpleasant.

Posted Mon 22 Nov 2021 13.53 by The Dictator (edited Mon 22 Nov 2021 13.56 by The Dictator)

Lizziep, it is a common tactic. When somebody calls out lies and falsehoods, the replies are typically about 'your defamation and untruths ' . Never backed up of course because Totally unfounded . It is their style when caught out I hear. Posted Today 12.56 by ode Think what you want. Know that you do not have a monopoly on the truth. ... Ode, Nobody will ever worry about you having that monopoly

Posted Mon 22 Nov 2021 13.58 by lizziep (edited Mon 22 Nov 2021 14.10 by lizziep)

I really don't want to carry on with the discussion, Dictator - but I hadn't "called out lies and falsehoods'"- I was just amused that's ode's haltering English had suddenly turned into company speak - I wasn't making "unfounded and defamatory statements" and am astounded to be accused of such. But can we just leave it - I am totally fed up with them - they have really put me off their own product! Frankly they have made it all very stressful. I'm just a 77 year old lady with psoriasis and no hidden agenda.

2 Posted Mon 22 Nov 2021 14.08 by The Dictator

I agree Lizziep. Some very horrible people out there. I was astounded to see this skulduggery on a platform provided by the kind people of the association for us all . It makes you wonder what sort of people run many companies and the investor class they attract I hope you have a good week and assured, anyone of worth here knows you are one of very view genuine and nice people with no agenda apart from trying to make an input into a devastating condition for some

2 Posted Mon 22 Nov 2021 14.14 by Jackie68

Dictator you are the one that started all of this. This board was civil before you appeared out of nowhere. You don't have psoriasis by your own admission, the great majority of us here are just looking for some relief to our condition. Please just leave us alone

Posted Mon 22 Nov 2021 14.15 by ode

I repeat once again, I am just a psoriasis patient, who is fed up with his pso. who is currently testing a product. Don't make me look like something I'm not. It seems that we agree that the digital marketing policy of this brand is just unacceptable.

1 Posted Mon 22 Nov 2021 14.16 by lizziep (edited Mon 22 Nov 2021 14.20 by lizziep)

yes Jackie - but this thread was actually monopolised by people connected with the company and it's trial so that was a less than honest thread too. Let's just all stop commenting.

2 Posted Mon 22 Nov 2021 14.21 by Jackie68 (edited Mon 22 Nov 2021 14.37 by Jackie68)

I hear what you're saying and agree. I can assure you that I have nothing at all to do with the company but I am using their product because I am desperate for something to work and in my personal case it is indeed! I personally think that only genuine sufferers should be using these boards, I thought they were for support and recommendations, and always were, and not for insults and selling products.

2 Posted Mon 22 Nov 2021 14.21 by The Dictator (edited Mon 22 Nov 2021 14.22 by The Dictator)

Jackie it was fine here until somebody asked questions nobody wanted asked. I'm afraid the lower class posts surfaced upon such questions It seems there is an issue with something as simple as asking for clinical evidence for a product you 1. Pay for and 2. Digest I think reasonable

1 Posted Mon 22 Nov 2021 14.23 by lizziep (edited Mon 22 Nov 2021 14.24 by lizziep)

Jackie - you seem to have posted addressing yourself? are you ode and Jackie?! oops!

4 Posted Mon 22 Nov 2021 14.34 by Jackie68

I am Jackie, I was responding to Lizzie but simply made a typo and there you go again with your insults. will you please leave me alone. I have done nothing wrong and I find this all very upsetting indeed.

2 Posted Mon 22 Nov 2021 16.12 by maxine67

Can probiotics help with psoriasis? It will be interesting to see if axis biotix, a probiotic does as it is described. Probiotics feed the good bacteria in the gut. Healthful microorganisms support the functioning of the immune system, which can help control symptoms of chronic conditions, such as psoriasis. Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease, which means that it causes the immune system to mistakenly attacks healthy cells.

2 Posted Mon 22 Nov 2021 16.32 by maxine67

I find this new probiotic exceptionally intriguing. Is there a link between The University of Manchester · Centre for Dermatology? Their company that has developed axis biotic once had someone of the same name as the CEO? If so, there will be a body of science behind it. A probiotic with science validation is a big difference from a probiotic that cannot make specific claims due to regulatory constraints i previously mentioned and offered key reference bulletins. Catherine is obviously a key player in the dermatological arena and still working at the university of manchester. I know it has a world renowned dermatology department with big companies working with it. Surely the same person. Was she replaced, sacked? Before Lizzie accuses me of working with the company, i am not, nor am i an investor. I wouldn't know where to start. I will update you on my sister's progress soon. Its too early yet.

1 Posted Mon 22 Nov 2021 16.51 by JT63

Psoriasis is supposed to be caused by gut problems. If that's true, probiotics will help. This particular supplement though, has *extremely* low levels of strains (4) and actual amount of bacteria (4 billion). The probiotic I started taking last week has 11 strains and 50 billion CFU (Colony Forming Units). I'd hoped someone on here would have taken different probiotics before to compare with these ones.

Posted Mon 22 Nov 2021 16.53 by lizziep (edited Mon 22 Nov 2021 16.58 by lizziep)

I'm trying this one, if it works, I shall certainly try a cheaper version as I cant afford the £54 that I paid for this one. My psoriasis is hereditary - age and a weakening immune system do help - the downside is the being old bit!

Posted Mon 22 Nov 2021 16.58 by JT63 (edited Mon 22 Nov 2021 16.59 by JT63)

It would be great to hear your comparison review lizzie. Supplements at same levels as this one usually cost around £6 a month. The much higher one I bought is around £15 a month.

Posted Mon 22 Nov 2021 16.59 by lizziep

2 months on this and then another 2 months - don't nod off!

3 Posted Mon 22 Nov 2021 17.09 by The Dictator (edited Mon 22 Nov 2021 17.14 by The Dictator)

As it so happens I know a site where Psoriasis sufferers have been speaking and sharing for years Probiotic research pops up every couple of years so to help us out, Il invite them to this thread on the weekend . It should help University of Manchester held/have shares here ? I'm sure the research was impartial either way though

3 Posted Mon 22 Nov 2021 17.11 by The Dictator (edited Mon 22 Nov 2021 17.11 by The Dictator)

Did they sell any when share price went up? Or hold on to the whole lot with great confidence for the future ? Must ask somebody who would know

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