Symprove Probiotic

Posted Thu 3 Jun 2021 19.11 by Jenniferm

Hi All After considering it for some time, I have started a course of SYMPROVE. I have a 12 week pack and will update my progress here incase anyone else should find it useful. I’m 1 week in (see below). I have had psoriasis for over 40 years and during that time I feel like I have tried everything. Yes, everything! In 2019 my skin got so bad that I wasn’t doing anything socially. I started Apremilast which has been a massive help but hasn’t cleared my skin as much as I hoped and I do still get flare ups. None are as bad as they were before the Apremilast. The Apremilast does have side effects. The first few weeks were hell but if you can persevere it’s worth it. The main side effect now is that I get a nervous rushy feeling after my morning dose and some nervous spells where I can’t relax and I feel anxious. It has affected my sleep in that I often wake in the night and find it hard to get back to sleep. I’ve read lots about the gut and how it’s related to psoriasis. I also suffer with chronic UTi’s and I’m hopeful that I can kill two birds with one stone. So, into my Symprove Journey I go..... WEEK 1 It tastes very acidic but is bearable and you only need to wait 10 mins before you eat or drink so I take my dose and busy myself doing something before I have breakfast. I haven't experienced any of the stomach problems that some people have. My bowel has been a bit sluggish my whole life. The Apremilast seemed to make it more regular. Since taking the Symprove for 7 days there have been 2 days of no bowel movement which seems the opposite of what it does to everyone else. By the end of the week, I have noticed 3 things: 1. Slight heartburn 2. Better sleep! I’ve been sleeping really well. 3. More energy! I’m not sure if this is down to having better sleep but it’s welcome! I’m feeling positive and I think knowing I’m doing something that’s good for my body makes me feel happy 😊

Posted Sat 31 Jul 2021 17.32 by LaineyC (edited Sat 31 Jul 2021 17.32 by LaineyC)

Hi Jennifer, thanks for posting this. I’m eager to see how you’ve got on? I only see a post about week one, I’d be really interested to see how the other weeks have been. I’m starting symprove tomorrow.

Posted Sat 31 Jul 2021 18.29 by Jenniferm

Hi Lainey I stopped taking it after two weeks as I felt it made my symptoms worse. It was a real shame as I had so much hope but my deem said that it may be that it contains a bacteria that isn’t helpful. It might be different for you and I really hope it is. I wish you lots of luck. X

Posted Sun 1 Aug 2021 05.21 by Adjustgutflora

Good luck with your experiment Jenniferm. I share my own experience of something apparently similar, which is kefir. Kefir, I am told, originates in the Caucus mountains and is a Turkish word meaning "feel good". I took an interest in it after seeing a program on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation's (ABC) channel 2 called "Catalyst" about the importance of gut bacteria. It featured a woman who had a serious irritable bowel problem being assisted by a gastroenterologist who had the woman begin taking kefir daily. It had a dramatic beneficial effect. After reading a couple of small books about the effects of imbalances in gut bacteria I began drinking kefir each day, usually about 1 1/2 cups. My psoriasis had been near to the worst it had ever been especially on my belly where it became thick and I was flaking off great amounts of dead skin all the time. I was going through a stressful time related to my employment which came to an end near to the time when I commenced taking the kefir so I don't know what part that played in the benefit I experienced. The dramatic improvement that I experienced took a few months to have its full effects but has been nearly all that I had hoped for. The only outstanding area of troublesome psoriasis is on my scalp. The local supermarkets in Melbourne carry several brands of kefir, which is fermented milk, like a thin yoghurt. They also carry what seems to be a Swedish version called "Filmjolk" that seems to be similarly beneficial. There is also a non-dairy version of kefir, available from health food shops here. I manage my scalp psoriasis by rinsing it in sea water about once a week. I collect several months' supply of sea water where I know it's likely to be uncontaminated by storm water outlets and I rinse at home during the winter.

Posted Sun 1 Aug 2021 09.03 by Tink

Hi adjustgutflora I have read something similar and was thinking about trying kefir to help my p was just wondering have you changed your diet too as I also read eating meat shellfish and vegetables from the nighshade group can aggravate p?

Posted Tue 3 Aug 2021 19.25 by Talia

I have just stopped eating meat mostly and have seen huge receading of symptoms. I did a food allergy test which said i was allergic to chicken and peppers amd other stuff. Packed in chicken and meat. Have had the odd cheat in two months but have seen huge improvements. Had huge patch on stomach size of small melin been usung dovobet which dosnt work on elbows but is helping stomach. Previously didnt touch it. The p on my stomach is fading and appears to be goong. I believe in gut heslth and possible leaky gut. Ie toxins from gut leaking into blood stream. I slso believe less strain on liver. Been eating firm tofu from Chinese supermarket which is better that soggy ordinary stuff which is providing alternative. Sometimes tastes of chicken i now look forward to it. I tried kefir but new spots appeared. Kambucha might be a good dairy alternative. I tried goats milt same time but stopped as new spots. I saw doctor axe website he said p bodies arnt processing protein he recommends cut back meat and other stuff. I use ren hot cloth ckeanser the oil on my forehead calms my p. I use exfoliator pads from boots. I use a lot of baby oil. Im trying to change gut health taking probiotics. The biggest thing for me so far is quitting meat and fish. Again i habe the odd cheat day. Im taking omega 3 and cod liver oil. Trying to drink more water which i struggle with.

Posted Wed 4 Aug 2021 08.37 by Adjustgutflora

Hi Tink. Regarding your question as to whether I had changed my diet as well as having daily kefir, no, I didn't change it but had already been trying to avoid nightshade veges. I have more recently been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes so now I am watching my carbohydrate intake a lot. I also have coeliac, so have been staying away from gluten for some time but there was no identifiable involvement of that in the improvement of my worst psoriasis. I haven't tried kombucha, Talia, but maybe I should.

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