Treatment for Guttate Psoriasis

Posted Wed 9 Jun 2021 21.56 by Sandy101

Hi I’ve been having skin issues since the end of last year. Finally managed to see a doctor who thinks I have Guttate Psoriasis. I’ve been referred to a dermatologist but I’ve been told I could wait a year. My skin is a mess and none of the creams she’s given me have helped. I know I probably sound ridiculous but it’s really having an impact on my life. I’ve completely lost all confidence and to say it’s getting me down is an understatement. The doctors are not interested and I’m hoping that someone on here maybe has some advice. I’m willing to try almost anything if it helps. Sorry for the long post 🙄

Posted Sat 10 Jul 2021 02.01 by Angry

Sandy101 Do not give up, there are 2 options you could try: 1 light therapy, you could a buy a hand held uvb light muchine from the Internet for £125 pounds. 2 See a private dermatologist for £250 and not wait a year which is a horrible place to be at. If you don't become proactive and do something you live will just get worse. Start by educating yourself on your condition, once you do that option will open up for you.

Posted Sat 10 Jul 2021 12.35 by Sandy101

I’ve made an appointment to see a private dermatologist. And I’m learning all the time about this condition. Thanks for taking the time to reply.

Posted Sat 10 Jul 2021 13.23 by OhNo_NotAgain?

Sandy101: I had plaque proriasis all over my body, starting from January 1980. Over the years I managed to get it reduced by getting lots of sun, and using coal-tar treatments. For several years I as largely free of it apart from pastches on my elbows, a small patch on my leg, and intermittently in my groin. Three years ago I had a total hip replacement, and 5 or 6 weeks after I started to develop guttate psoriasis which spread to cover my trunk, arms and parts of my leg. My scalp did not seem to develop any plaques, but became very dry and itched like crazy. All my body itched constantly, sleeping was difficult. I had an excellent GP. He told me that two known/suspected triggers for guttate psoriasis are : - a throat infection eg strep throat (there seems to be a sttong correlation between cases of strep throat and guttate psoriasis), - major trauma to the body. He wondered if the outbreak was related to my recent hip replacement. He told me that often guttate psoriasis clears up after 6 months or so. the blemishes from guttate were too small and numerous for me to apply steroid to each individually, and I did niot want to smother all my skin both good and bad with steroid. So I used a coal-tar based lotion "Exorex", another called Psoriderm, and I applied emmolient many times a day to try and calm the itching. I used almost everything available on the market but found Doublebase Gel, and Doublebase Dayleve Gel suited me the most. I was having a lot of trouble sleeping due to the itching on my back (I live alone and had nobody who could apply treatment to my back). I started having luke-warm baths shortly before going to bed, with Oilatum and Oilatum Plus added to the water, It seemed to help and I was able to fall asleep even if I woke with itching in early hours of the morning. Around the 6-month mark the guttate psoriasis did begin to fade and by 8 months it had gone completely.

Posted Sat 10 Jul 2021 21.03 by Sandy101

Hi I’ve been reading a lot about triggers and apart from strep throat I’m told skin trauma can trigger it. The only thing that happened to me just before it started was a really bad horse fly bite, for which I needed antibiotics to treat it as my arm was so swollen. Like you I live alone and my best friend has been helping me with putting the numerous creams on. I’ve stopped them now and I’m using double base shower gel, epiderm cream and vitamin D cream, The vitamin D cream has actually helped more than I thought it would. Until I see the dermatologist I’m not trying anything else. Thank you for replying to me. It helps to know I’m not on my own with this.

Posted Sun 11 Jul 2021 10.37 by OhNo_NotAgain?

You mention Vit D cream. I forgot - 10-12 years ago I bought some Body-Shop Vitamin D night-cream, and used it on some small patches of psoriasis on my elbows. It cl;ears it. Any time the patches re-appear which they do, from time to time. the Vitamin D cream seems to clear it. (one of the non-steroid treatments for psoriasis is a synthetic Vitamin D: calcipotriol. This is what is in Dovonex.)

Posted Fri 6 Aug 2021 11.21 by euans

Hey there, I can sympathise. I've had guttate for about 20 years now (how time flies by!). Seeing the dermatologist should help to explore some options. Initially when it was not too bad i used various steroid creams but as I now have spots all over I have been referred for UVB light a couple of times and during lock down I bought a UVB home unit. The UVB helps but it always seems to come back within a couple of months. I will be back to see dermatologist in a couple of months to see what the next step will be as I am really fed up having to deal with this now. I used to just have a head down and get on with it mentality but I've had enough. Some some success stories from people who try certain diets and natural / vitamin supplements. I know sugar and alcohol give me a flare up so limit them as much as possible. I have thought about doing a proper detox diet to see if there is any improvement. I can't see any harm in trying a more holistic approach. Hopefully the dermatologist was helpful, cheers Euan

Posted Fri 6 Aug 2021 11.36 by Sandy101

Hi Euan Thanks for replying. My dermatologist appointment isn’t until September so I’m still in the same position. At the moment I’m still using the epiderm cream but I’m also using cerave sa cream which helps the itch. I’m now taking vit d, cod liver oil and oil of oregano capsules. I’ve only been taking the oregano for about 10 days and the rash seems to have faded a bit. This could be complete coincidence but I’m going to keep taking them for now. I too have thought about a detox diet but tbh I don’t know if I could stick to it. I can’t imagine how you’ve coped with this for 20 years. I hope you get some help soon.

Posted Wed 11 Aug 2021 12.24 by euans

Hi Sandy101, Glad you have been getting on top of some of the symptoms. Never come across the oregano oil one, will check it out. I think I've got by over the years because mine has never really been too itchy (touch wood!) and I only ever get small bits on my face so it has not been very visible. Daily moisturising has really helped with this as does the UVB. I use Hydromol to moisturise and found it pretty good. For me, living in Scotland does not help with the lack of sun as that can be very beneficial. I would however like a long period of time when I don't have to worry about constantly moisturising and stuff like that so I might see what systemic options there are but it might be a case of better the devil you know. Hope all goes well, cheers

Posted Wed 11 Aug 2021 19.51 by Sandy101

Hi Euan I live in Glasgow so I’m with you on the lack of sunshine. I’m so fed up with it all now. But still feel I need a proper diagnosis before I try anything else. I’m still taking the oregano oil and someone else has recommended trying slippery elm. But I think I’ll just wait until I’ve seen the dermatologist. Thanks again for replying.

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