Hi another newbie

Posted Sat 19 Jun 2021 13.12 by Nicky

Hi,im a 55yr old lady.had psoriasis on and off since my 20s.nothing too bad,except when badly stressed..now occasionally but more regularly on my scalp.I've been experiencing aches,pains and stiffness of my joints for about 6mnths now.been docs(phone consultation). Had an mri for suspect sciatica.which shown bulging discs and bone growth round nerves...i had a ad post come up on fb for checking nails as ridges etc could mean PsA..so with all this,plus rashes,sudden exhaustion,swelling painful joints..I'm thinking PsA?..now im not one for docs,labels or meds..i prefer the natural treatment methods..so will this get worse?will i NEED meds..this is scaring me,mainly as I'm usually active,independent and a bit stubborn..plus found the job of my dreams as an arborist..thanks if you ve got this far in my rambling,hope it makes sense.as I'm not usually one to reach out..and due to docs in our areas service being very fragmented at the mo,not sure of my next move..thanks Nicky x

Posted Sat 19 Jun 2021 15.47 by OhNo_NotAgain?

Hi Nicky, I am in my 60s, had psoriasis very badly from age 22 but it seemed to retreat after a couple of years, Almost constant on my elbows and flare-ups from time to time. I have osteo-arthritis in my hands and hip and around a few broken toes fingers (rugby in my younger days). I am now developing what I suspect to be PSA. I have tried things like turmeric amd other natiural treatments etc, none ever did anything for me except green-mussel gel which helped me get to sleep . As far as I know, PSA only gets worse until you need meds - but like other forms I think the rates are very unpredictable. Do not rely only on the Forum. If you look at the top of this page, there is a list of other topics, and the Psoriasis Association welcome contact from people like yourself and they can give you advice. Hover your mouse over "about us" to see contacxt options, email, whatsapp or direct phone call. Good luck!

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