Alternatives to Methotrexate

Posted Wed 24 Jun 2015 13.41 by rororoyourboat929
I have had plaque and scalp psoriasis for around 15 years and have been recently diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis

Hello. I have had psoriasis for around 15 years now and I have always responded well to light therapy to treat it. However I have recently been diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis and my rheumatologist is doing everything he can to get me to take methotrexate but I want to hold off on taking such a powerful drug. The thing is, I am still a student and my lifestyle doesn't really fit into weekly blood tests/ no drinking/ horrible side effects plus I have got engaged this year and my fiance and I plan to start a family in the near future. So I was wondering if there were any alternatives to methotrexate?? As I mentioned my rheumatologist is doing his best to convince me to start taking methotrexate and has even told me that psoriasis causes infertility (which is a complete lie!) to get me to take it. I would really appreciate any advice that anyone can offer me :)

Posted Wed 24 Jun 2015 19.29 by Asma (edited Tue 22 Mar 2016 11.35 by kiranaar10728)
I have been psychologically affected. I reached a very low point last summer which is when I started to take positive action and research al

Hi I know exactly how you feel as my plaque psoriasis reached an all time severe flare up last summer. I was told that the only option was methotrexate which i desperately wanted to avoid at all costs. I know that you don't want to give up drinking. However, my skin improved by 50% within 6 weeks of changing my diet to gluten, dairy and sugar free. It is difficult I know, and i fell off the wagon many times since last summer. However, i recently made a pact with myself that i will stick to it because there no food or drink is better than getting rid of psoriasis. I;m sure this diet will help the arthritis too. If you need any help please get in touch. xx

Posted Tue 22 Mar 2016 11.37 by HeatherB

Hi, I'm in the same situation, I have just been told by my dermatologist that they will be putting me on this in 3 months and this is not what I want at all, as I feel the same as you and want a baby in the near future. Did you receive any more information on alternatives? If so how are you getting on with them. Asma would you be able to let me know what changes in diet you made, I am more than happy to try everything possible to avoid this and to improve my psoriasis without Methotrexate. Many thanks in advance to both of you!

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