I'm not even certain I have Psoriasis. However!

Posted Thu 1 Jul 2021 09.07 by BML

My scalp itches and I suspected Dandruff and surfing the Net I read that it might be a form of psoriasis. I started washing my hair every night but it still itches the following day so I really need some advice on the matter.

1 Posted Thu 1 Jul 2021 10.38 by Dancinglady48

My scalp also started itching and was very dry and flaky in patches. Then my body started itching all over and now I have lots of small patches of what I think is psoriasis on my body. I am controlling my itchy scalp using Head and Shoulders and a shampoo brush.

1 Posted Thu 1 Jul 2021 10.43 by BML

I tried Head and shoulders to no avail.

Posted Thu 1 Jul 2021 15.33 by OhNo_NotAgain?

3 years ago I came out in guttate psoriasis all over my trunk, arms and my scalp was itching like mad. But there did not seem to be any actual plaques on my scalp, it just looked super-dry and flakey. (I had plaque psoriasis all over from 1980, but my scalp was largely clear from 1982, and most of my body from 1990) The best thing I found was Alphacade PSO shampoo. It is not harsh, a pleasant smell, and it stopped the scalp itching almost immediately, and could be used frequently without drying my hair. It was available on Amazon but very expensive from 3rd party sellers. I finally bought it regularly from here: https://www.cocooncenter.co.uk/item-dermatologie-alphacade-shampoo-pso-severe-cases-of-dandruff-200ml/14313.html

Posted Tue 6 Jul 2021 04.50 by Angry

T gel is the best shampoo to use on your scalp, head and shoulder is worst shampoo you can use.

Posted Tue 6 Jul 2021 09.02 by BML

Many thanks for the advice.

Posted Tue 6 Jul 2021 11.22 by OhNo_NotAgain?

I tried T-Gel and it did absolutely nothing to help me.

Posted Tue 6 Jul 2021 16.01 by BML

Right, its a total head shave and polish for me.

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