
Posted Wed 7 Jul 2021 19.55 by barbara

I have psoriasis on my scalp, between my breasts and round my groin. My doc prescribed Dovonex ointment for the groin and breast area yet on the patient leaflet, it says it must not be used on the scalp or groin area. I was prescribed Eumovate at the same time and was told I could use them together. I do wish patient leaflets would be a bit clearer. If it is OK to use in groin area if doc says so then it should make it clear on the leaflet as so many people will worry they are harming themselves. I have only used it for a week and groin area is clearing up very well, scalp less so. I just wondered if anyone else used it for groin area and had success with it.

Posted Thu 8 Jul 2021 08.53 by OhNo_NotAgain? (edited Thu 8 Jul 2021 19.23 by OhNo_NotAgain?)

Barbara, I have used Dovonex and did not remember those areas being mentioned. I have just re-read the patient leaflet dated Nov 2019 online on the EMC website (an online source for patient leaflets for all treatments licensed in UK), and it does not mention this at all. It does warn against using on the face, and to "be careful" if using in folds of the skin such as armpits or below breasts as side-effects might occur. There are warnings on steroid treatments eg Dovobet (and Dovonex) not to use on the face, but sometimes a Doctor will tell you to use it there, but they monitor the progress carefully. I do know that on the patient leflet for Dovobet it suggests to avoid use on mucous membranes, and groin, armpit, under breasts, where there are folds of skin The NICE website also does not include any warning regarding groin and scalp for Dovonex. I have found a Patient Leflet updated on April 2020, on an Ireland medicines site, (Leo, the manufacturers of Dovonex, are based in Ireland). That leaflet also does not warn against use on scalp or groin. There is a Dovonex lotion specifically intended for use on scalp (a lotion is easier to apply), called I think Dovonex Scalp Lotion. I would recommend that to put your mind at rest you speak to your Doctor again (many are able to give phone consultations ). Good luck!

Posted Thu 8 Jul 2021 22.42 by barbara

Thank you for your reply. I had lost the patient leaflet so looked online for patient leaflet info and when I did a google search, the first thing that comes up says, "Dovonex psoriasis ointment should not be applied to the face, scalp, genital area or skin folds since treatment of these areas requires medical supervision". When I read your reply I looked again and noticed that the date of that information is 20 April 2017. So obviously the newer patient leaflets are different so thank you for your reply, I will feel safer using it now. Barbara.

Posted Fri 9 Jul 2021 07.58 by OhNo_NotAgain?

Thanks for coming back Barbara. As you see on the old leaflet it mentions medical supervision. Sometimes a Doctor might tell you to use a treatment in a way not recommended in the patient leaflet, but they will want to see you more often and they might tell you to use it sparingly or less often than usual. I am pleased you feel more comfortable with the situation, Good Luck.

Posted Sat 10 Jul 2021 12.18 by barbara

Thank you. Because of COVID, I have not been able to see my doctor but phoned the surgery to say my psoriasis was worse. I got a call to say I could pick up a prescription which was for Dovonex, Betnovate scalp lotion (which I know is more potent so don't like using) and Eumovate which I believe is quite a strong steroid too. So I wasn't given any information as I wasn't able to talk to a doctor so have to sort out what to use where by myself. Thank you for your advice.

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