Can't work due psoriasis bored nothing to to do at home

2 Posted Tue 13 Jul 2021 12.36 by Angry

I can't work at the moment due to my psoriasis, money is not the problem, finding things to do is the problem.

Posted Tue 27 Jul 2021 17.49 by Nina

Hey As you have time why don't you learn breath of fire and alternate nostril breathing. I've only just started so cant talk about the results but it supposed to cure many diseases. Also check out swami ramdev as i have learnt a lot from him but watch his English ones. He has one for yoga for psoriasis, so again can't speak any results as it's too early but it can't harm and you've got time, so go in it with an open mind and give it ago.

Posted Tue 3 Aug 2021 19.33 by Talia

Hi I have packed in meat and fish snd most dairy except butter and am seeing significant improvement more than anything else ive tried. I think this could be to fo with leaky gut and over tox of liver. A good website is Dr Axe on you tube. He said get anti candida pills quit sugar and meat and take omega 3 and drink water lots. I use a lot of baby oil and am back in dovobet. I tried Enstillar amazing but caused angry flare. Try Dr Axe website ge says our bodies not processing protein so meat just rotting in gut and leaking into blood and poisoning blood stream type thing. Anyway things will get better for us all fingers crossed

Posted Tue 3 Aug 2021 23.15 by Nina

Hi I've been a high raw vegan for a couple of yrs and gluten free and that still hasnt helped. Not really sure what else I can do. Someone said that I'm doing the right things for my diet, so it's not that, so I'm having a rethink and now trying to incorporate breathing exercises and to try and reduce stress. It's so difficult when you've been trying so hard with the diet. I keep trying to find my way, so many others have had succeses by just going vegan, or just giving up ddiry or gluten- I've tried it all and still havent found my way yet. I've had a leaky gut test and this was not and issue. I have included some different supplements though and one is high doses of d3 20,000 ius. I watched a YouTube video from Dr Berg and he talks about that but he says to go even highe but don't feel comfortable with doing 40,000 iu. But I've read how some people just add high doses And heal, Anyhow keep going if you are seeing the benefits. Hope you find your way. Good luck.

Posted Wed 4 Aug 2021 08.52 by OhNo_NotAgain? (edited Wed 4 Aug 2021 09.01 by OhNo_NotAgain?)

Nina, you need to be aware that oil-soluble vitamins can build up in the body and there ARE toxicity levels associated with some of them, eg Vit D, Vit A. Excess amounts of water-soluble vitamins such as C, B are simply excreted out of the body in urine, and do not build up in the body. I would certainly suggest that anyone should read up from a variety of sources on what are considered safe vs potentially toxic levels of Vit D to take. I have also noticed that many/most of the Doctors who appear on youtube from the US and talk about diet, nutrition, leaky gut and healing such things as psoriasis are chiropracters. Many ask for contributions ("to keep their websites free") or want to sell you their books or DVD courses.

Posted Wed 4 Aug 2021 11.45 by Nina

I'm only doing it for a short time say 3 months. I just need to see if it works,if there is no improvements then I will stop. There must be something in vitamin d3 helping because there are so many people who get clear skin but uvb sunlamps. Also I'm Asian and live in the UK with not much sunlight over the year and futuremore having brown skin means I need to get even more sunlight to achieve good levels of vitamin d3..I like to experiment and have been experimenting for the last 10 yrs,so I need to try it for 3 months and if it doesn't work then at least I will know it's another failed experiment and wont try it again. Just finished a smoothie made of cucumbers,spinach, avocados, lemon, parsley and coriander- surprisingly it taste good. Thats what I'm having for breakfast and lunch for a while with a vegan cooked grain free, bean free and nightshade free dinner. Even though I have been high raw vegan for about 2 yrs, its been with a lot of fruit and that didnt help. I watched Nichloas Lamborghini on YouTube and he cleared up by pretty much eating veg and meat (he avoided nightshades, gluten and dairy) and a few supplements. I read through the comments and people have had positive results. I'm not going to do meat and veg as I'm a vegan but going to just do mostly veg raw or cooked with a few fruits such as cucumber, limes and avocados. I've never gone nightshade free either, so that's also going to be new for me. Let's see what happens. Are you taking any supplements?

Posted Wed 4 Aug 2021 13.17 by Talia

Hi Nina im partly Asian myself. I agree about sunlight. Usually i spend four weeks or i try a year in the sunshine and this keeps some of my symptoms at bay. As a result of covid my skin issues espe on my legs and arms are showing through more. I notice when im on holiday the sun seems to clear my legs and arms and forehead. I think you are right about D3. I read a book by Dr john Pagado ( interestingly a chiropractor) which us bizarre as this is skin from Amazon that suggested only eating certain fruit such as berrys apples and a few others. He seemed to suggest citrus fruit is to be avoided. I have noticed citrus fruit makes my skin worse. I think this is a lot to do with diet though and you must be kn the right track being vegan. Im thinking if getting a mini uvb lamp for my elbows and face. I seem to be following you grain free gluten dairy free method. Anyway there needs to be a breakthrough with this stupid disease because its just very wearing. Ive stopped using steroids and jimust use baby oil and moisturisers of various sorts

Posted Wed 4 Aug 2021 15.24 by Nina

Hi Talia Have you thought about getting a sun canopy (second hand works) and then buying the uvb lamp separately. That way you can do you own treatment at home.. It's worth it. I have one also but had to put it away as I didn't have the room whilst my daughter was back from University, so she goes back in September and I'll be on it again and it definitely helps but obviously not a cure. I'm sick of it. I've had it for 36yrs and when I'm flaring it's chronic and guttate and all over the body. I'm fed up of covering the body in the summer. I do sometimes get brave and will only show my arms but then you got to deal with the stares and I hate that. Shopping for clothes in the summer is depressing as I wear things that I don't really like and is not my style but I have to find something that is light summery but covers. I dread the summer and especially if I'm going out of the country to a beach and it's sad as I love the summer heat. I much prefer the winter as i can wear things with tights. I have to keep reminding myself that things could be a lot worse- I can walk, talk, hear, see, jump and run and thats a lot to feel grateful for- this is the only thing that stops me from sinking into depression. I really believe the answers in the food. P is something we will always have a weakness with. I don't really believe we can cure it but I do believe if we can find our trigger and what our bodies need and then we can have remission as long as we stick to our individual diet. Over the last 10 yrs I have been on so many forums, watched countless YouTube videos and read so many comments and people have different triggers but one thing I have noticed is dairy, gluten, sugar and nightshades are the main culprit for a lot. You got to find your personal triggers. I've started writing a food and skin diary. I'm hoping this approach (which I have never done before) will allow me to figure things out. I'm doing a veg only diet for now. I'm hoping this will clear things up as I'm removing all the known culprits and more. I will then only add in one food item for 6 wks to see if it's ok and then continue on with that and hopefully I'll find my triggers. Its a long thing but like my daughter said, you've had it for so long and you haven't solved anything, so why not take a scientific approach and maybe in a year I'll have my proven method to help me heal.

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