Newly diagnosed HELP

Posted Wed 24 Jun 2015 14.50 by Mummyof5
I first started with scalp psoriasis in April 2015 however gp treated it as dry skin til now, I know have it in my scalp and my "lady" area'

I've suffered with scalp psoriasis since April this year, was initially stress, then dry skin, eczema and seborraic eczema (that's not spelt correctly) which my daughter has however I started developing these patches in my genital area (front and back) initially I was silly didn't speak too or seek medical advice til it got so bad I was in pain like my skin was splitting it burns and bleeds too, so eventually I seen a Dr (today) who said yeah psoriasis use dovobet cream it should clear but may come back! End of consultation. My question is this, what else can I do to assist healing prevent flare ups, any lifestyle, diet, creams, soaps to avoid ect I'm 28 and totally in the dark here! Thank-you in advance

Posted Thu 25 Jun 2015 22.10 by suzannegad (edited Sat 27 Jun 2015 18.52 by mehboob khan)
Psoriasis has plagued my life for the past 28yrs. I have tried virtually all the products on the market but all to no avail. I am a woman of

Sorry to hear your dilemma. I'm new to this site. Psoriasis unfortunately has many triggers and can be quite unique to each individual. I hope you will manage your psoriasis successfully. There is a wealth of advice and information on this site.

Posted Sat 27 Jun 2015 18.52 by Asma
I have been psychologically affected. I reached a very low point last summer which is when I started to take positive action and research al

Hi I have had psoriasis since 2011, overtime it cleared with steroids, or light therapy it came straight back. I didn't use Dovobet because i had read many reviews about it coming back more aggressively. In summer 2014 I reached rock bottom, my psoriasis the worts it had been. I started following the Pagano diet, it is great but the meals i was creating were boring and repetitive so i couldn't sustain it. I have done a lot of research and studied nutrition too. Since the beginning of this year i am gluten, dairy, and sugar free. My psoriasis is 75% better. I have started a blog, it is very knew but in it i share my diet, lifestyle which helps to manage if not cure my psoriasis. please don't lose hope, I stopped the steroid creams and refused to take methotrexate last autumn. I haven't looked back since. Best wishes

Posted Mon 7 Sep 2015 07.38 by dougie
i have it all over my body

hi all diet IS the answer i have given up eating wheat altogether if it has wheat i aviod it also i have given up cows milk and use almond milk which lasts longer as far as im concerned cows milk is for cows i also have a nutri bullet and have a healthy smoothie most days which include fruits of the forest,spinach and carrot with other fruits including banana one other thing i do not drink tap water im sure that flouride is poison now the results of this prosess is my psoriasis is fading everywhere i believe if i keep this up it will go altogether i would definately recommend my fellow sufferers to give it a go it wont cost that much and could be the best thing ever let me know how your getting on god bless dougie

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