I have bad psoriasis on my elbows very bad recently, continual waste of time seeing gp, well never actually seen one fobbed off with nurse. Epimax cream is a good moisturiser and am using dermobet but elbows so painful, bleeding and growing skin all day. nurse just given me what appears to be useless hydromol ointment. Am I just getting really down or are practise nurses not really any use for psoriasis? Also I feel very depressed with hair loss, all day I just see it dropping out everywhere.
Any ideas would be grateful.
Posted Thu 22 Jul 2021 00.20 by Steview A P sufferer for over 30 years, through good and bad times.
Yvonne, sorry to hear your current situation.
Firstly I have not heard of dermobet, is that correct spelling? Hydromol is basically an emollient/moisturiser, which may help keep your skin soft but may not clear the patches of P.
How long have you suffered and do you suffer anywhere else other than elbows and hairloss?
I would push your practice for an appt with a GP, then if things don't improve push for a dermatologist refferal but that may take some time and have to try out different topicals first.
Hope you get some relief soon.
Posted Thu 22 Jul 2021 19.19 by yvonne
Thanks Steview, for your kind reply. I have had the elbow problem for about fifteen years or more but it only recently got worse, I only went to the doctor when one elbow got infected and swelled up my whole arm, but the doctor just said my elbows were dry and I should try using moisturiser. He appeared quite disgusted by them.
No I will not push GP anymore as this ongoing since Feb and never get past nurse. I can go private to see dermatologist which think is the best option.
Doctors surgeries are not what they used to be.
Thanks again Yvonne
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