New member taken the Flu vaccine

Posted Mon 26 Jul 2021 12.51 by Malcolm

Hi, I took the Flu vaccine in November which instantly activated Guttate psoriasis and I have been affected since then. I am now taking UVB treatment and at last there is some notable difference. However, along with the Guttate, I have suffered hair loss, digestive problems, nail Psoriasis, muscle deterioration, anaemia, chronic exhaustion/ fatigue and severe weight loss. Most of the GP's and consultants I have seen (only recently) suggest all of these symptoms are directly related to my autoimmune system over reacting due to the Guttate. My next concern is whether or not to submit to the Covid vaccine which given the very poor condition of my body /health currently, I have deferred until I can have a guarantee somehow that this vaccine will not cause the same torment... Has anyone got any information on this? Best of health to you all.

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