New to this forum

Posted Sun 8 Aug 2021 19.36 by Mugwump

Hi, New to this forum. My psoriasis started about 4 years ago, totally out of the blue. I was originally referred to community dermatologists (GPs who wannabe dermatologists). After going through the full range of topical treatments that they were allowed to prescribe and ending up with 60-70% coverage of chest and back I kicked up a stink and got referred to the dermatology department at my hospital. One look and I was straight on to MTX. This worked well but I was never totally clear because they were unwilling to go above a 20mg dose and what was left never responded to topicals. Had my liver scan after 3 months and that was OK. However, polyps were found in my bladder which resulted in a diagnosis of bladder cancer. I was lucky that I had the scan as the cancer has been caught early. Any way I was on MTX until July last year when I had to stop it because it was contra-indicated with BCG which I would be getting for my cancer. I was put on to Apremilast and although slower than MTX to get started it is 100% effective. I had a CT scan as part of my BC treatment 3 weeks ago and that has highlighted atrophy of one segment of my liver commensurate with moderate sclerosis. Could MTX have been a cause/factor in this?. I am a non-drinker so that rules out cirrhosis due to alcohol.

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