Cold Showers!

Posted Mon 9 Aug 2021 10.44 by DeepBreath

Hi all After reading about the potential positive impact of cold water on inflammatory conditions (it can affect the cortisol response), I started taking nothing but cold showers a few weeks ago. First - it's not easy to plunge yourself under cold water! However, it gets easier. And it definitely helps with mood and alertness. Obviously nothing works for everyone, but I have seen clear improvements in my psoriasis (it's not gone away by any means - but patches are clearer) - and of course it's free, non-intrusive and has no impact on existing treatments. Be interested to hear if anyone has tried the same - or is interesting in trying it out to see if there are any effects for them.

Posted Tue 9 Aug 2022 15.07 by Sarbie

Hi DeepBreath, I have also been reading about the benefits of cold water. Someone posted on here that they had rinsed their hair in cold water daily and it had cleared their scalp psoriasis. I have been taking a daily 3 minute cold shower for around 3 weeks now and have noticed a big improvement with my scalp (I had stopped using medication before starting the showers). I'm not sure if it has any impact on the rest of me although there is less scaling. I know it has been a year since your posting but has your psoriasis cleared now?

Posted Tue 9 Aug 2022 19.32 by LaughingFlea

Hi DeepBreath, I only used cold showers for anxiety and it worked very well, as it works well for depression. Personally, I did not like to rinse my hair in cold water, but everyone is different. I need to keep my head covered in winter, because my psoriasis will get worse if I don't. If cold showers work for you, I would continue.

1 Posted Fri 12 Aug 2022 11.43 by Mary1968

Hello DeepBreath Never used for psoriasis purposes Only ever used for protecting immune system (great for helping ward off flu) Or hangovers on a work day to wake myself up

Posted Mon 29 Aug 2022 21.46 by Lex

Hello DeepBreath, I have psoriasis for more than 35 years now, covering 10%-20% of my body. I have been taking Daily Cold showers (2-3 minutes) for 3 months now and most of my psoriasis cleared. Sometimes new spots appear but they do not Stay for Long. This is the second time i ever seen this is happening without taking UV-treatment. Two years ago i also started taking Cold showers for awhile with the same effect. But then i got stupid and took warm Showers again. The psoriasis gradually returned. I strongly believe that taking warm showers is causing stress for your skin. This does not help your skin figthing of any psosiasis you may have. My advice: never ever take warm showers again.

Posted Mon 29 Aug 2022 22.29 by DeepBreath

Hi all I'm afraid that, like Lex, I also went back to warm showers and any improvements I had made disappeared and my patches returned - I don't know why I did, as my psoriasis had never been clearer. Anyway, I have recently started again with cold showers, and after reading the few replies here am more determined to stick with it this time. Fingers crossed - will report back.

Posted Mon 29 Aug 2022 23.09 by Lex

Hello Deepbreath, You can't imagine how glad i am to read this. I was getting frustrated wondering why not more people try cold showers to beat this. For others to read this. First results may take some weeks. Do not take warm showers/baths during this time. (Or ever again) 1 step forward, 5 steps back. Do not rub, scratch or whatever you spots. Let the skin do the healing. Added bonus: lower gasbill!

Posted Tue 30 Aug 2022 07.19 by Sarbie (edited Tue 30 Aug 2022 08.58 by Sarbie)

Hi there, thank you for your feedback. I have been taking a 3 minute cold shower for the last 2 months but have started with a very luke warm shower just to wash for about a minute or 2. From what you have all stated, I should not even be doing that. Just a straight cold shower from start to finish? My scalp has improved quite a bit but I still have some patches on my scalp and body (around 10 to 20%). I also wanted to add that since taking cold showers my sciatica has cleared up! I have started to take a straight cold shower (no tepid ones) from today so will post any updates as time goes on.....

Posted Tue 30 Aug 2022 08.57 by Lex

Hello Csarbs, I googled 'Lukewarm water'. You add warm water here and in my experience it is to warm. It is summer now in NL. I take cold showers which i think is around 20°C water. Mixing it up with warm water, just makes me shift towards warmer water. This is were i went wrong the last time and the psoriasis worsened significantly. It is a shifting scale in the wrong direction. Winter is comming (so GoT), so water temperature will drop to between 10°C and 15°C. That's an awfull way to start the morning. But i keep the long term benefits in mind not the short term effect. And to be honest after 30 seconds the body adjusts and it starts to feel better. (the jump in a pool with cold water and after a while you get this all around thingling effect). I now jump rigth into the shower when i wake up. But when it starts getting colder i plan to first walk the dog or do some exercise to get my core temperature up. Afterall i'ts not about getting hyperthermia but introduce cold water to the skin for 2-3 minutes.

Posted Tue 30 Aug 2022 09.03 by Sarbie

Hi Lex, Thanks for your advice. I started with just the cold water this morning and it was okay. I also was thinking about the winter but I am determined to keep going as yours and Deepbreath's posts have given me hope. Can I ask if you are treating your psoriasis with any medication? I am currently using about a teaspoon of Enstilla foam per day. I have also eliminated gluten, dairy, meat and nightshades from my diet as well as taking certain supplements. I am on the waiting list for light therapy too.

Posted Tue 30 Aug 2022 09.49 by Lex

Hello Csarbs, I was always able to maintain a certain level of psoriasis coverage by taking UV ligth treatment session every 2-3 year. After a session i would start out pretty clean and than obviously during 2-3 years it worsens. But after so many sessions over the years (10+) , i am not allowed to do this anymore, because of the risk of getting skin cancer. I have been using specific cremes in the past like Silkis, but this are all just battling symptoms, thinning the skin. Yes you have less scaling, but the psoriasis extends anyway. It's also impractical to apply ones your body is covered with a larger amount. I never tried pills or biochemicals because of the explained side-effects and longterm unknowns. Taking cold showers, for the rest of your live, is hard sell to most people. Even more because warm showers are associated to relaxation and stress relief. You actually have to reprogram your mind and get the stress relief from somewhere else. To me warm water is the enemy.

Posted Tue 13 Sep 2022 08.54 by westy

Hi I recently went on a Wim Hof course (The Ice Man!). For those that dont know him, he is somewhat of a guru in the cold therapy world. My course included breathing exercises, and also an ice bath dip for 2 minutes. Since that day, merely 10 days ago, I have been finishing my shower with a 2 minute cold shower. My psoriasis on and around my elbows has seen a massive improvement. A little pink in colour but no flaky skin, its almost unbelievable. Highly recommend it. You dont (and should not) just step into a cold shower, there are added risks to this. Just shower as normal and finish off with a 2 min cold shower. Breathing deeply and slowly will help with the cold. Give it a go, as I say 10 days in and massive improvements.

Posted Tue 13 Sep 2022 09.50 by Lex

Hey Westy, Very good to hear about your experience with cold showers and improving your condition with psoriasis. For me the reaction took longer and is stil ongoing. But it s much better then it used to be. Just wondering if you also do the Wim Hof breathing techniques frequently . I do not do this at all. Maybe this could explain your quick recovery. Were there any other parts were your psoriasis improved? Maybe advice to ppl ready this and wanting to try is. Educate yourselve about cold exposure and also breathing techniques. Take it slow and give it time. Some of your patches may have taken months to grow. Don't expect them to dissappear in a few days. Nevertheless Westy reply is very promising. I'm meeting more and more ppl online who have had good experience with cold showers! Spread the word and take care.

Posted Tue 13 Sep 2022 09.58 by westy

Hi Lex Yes, I am also doing the breathing each morning. Flooding my body with oxygen, maybe thats helping as well.

Posted Wed 28 Sep 2022 23.08 by StevoT

I have had P for around 16 years and have successfully cleared it a few times in the past by using different techniques. I would say my P is medium (scalp, knees, elbows, buttocks). I recently started visiting my local fitness centre 3 times per week as it has a sauna and cold water plunge pool. I instantly noticed my P clearing after a week or two and I belive this is down to the freezing water. My routine is 10-15 minutes sauna and then 5 minutes plunge pool. I do this 2 or 3 times each visit and the results are extraordinary. I have had previous successes with clearing P in the past: - In 2016 I cleared P by going gluten free for 10 weeks. I stupidly thought I had beaten it and reverted back to gluten only for P to return instantly and this time it also appered on my knees and buttocks. - In 2018 I undertook UV light therapy and after 25 sessions my P cleared all over but returned after 12 months but only on knees, elbows and scalp and then gradually on my forehead hairline. - In Feb 2020 my partner bought me a handheld UV home device (£110) which was medically approved and recommended for sufferers with some history of success with UV light therapy. I managed to clear my forehead entirely within 2 weeks and to date it hasn't come back. I stopped using it afterwards as I found the summer sun was keeping it at bay and the new routine with Sauna and plunge pool is working and is safer. Hope this useful. S

Posted Mon 28 Nov 2022 20.30 by Mr Itchy

Hi everyone, I am actually going to buy a ice tank for the garden, fill it heavy with Dead Sea salt and submerge myself daily for 2 minutes or as long as I can handle to test out the results. I am currently on methotrexate 22mg injection, which is holding the condition but not clearing. My specialist wants to me to try two more tropical creams along with the injection…I am so fed up of the creams, i feel like I am propping up the NHS on buying these creams! The flares ups and hot sore itching is driving me mad. Previous specialists advised very hot baths…which I love - to break down the thick build ups along with sun beds…. Anyway let’s see how the ice tank works…anything to lose the creams and injections! Mr Itchy

Posted Mon 28 Nov 2022 23.38 by Lex

Hallo Mr Itchy, Good for you. Just check if you don't have hearth condition before u try. I'm being serious. Also get decent warm up before you jump in. Maybe lookup Wim Hof on youtube. He's legit. I'm still doing cold showers . I hate it. Water is 10°C now. But it keeps the P away.

Posted Wed 22 Mar 2023 12.07 by I have an idea

I have suffered for around 15 years and have used steroids for most of that time. Tried the natural creams and diets but nothing has touched it apart from the steroids. Been doing the cold shower thing for just over a week and have started to see less scaling in my elbows. I'll let you know of the progress. I have getting in a tepid shower and gradually turning it down to cold and then sticking it out for about 2 to 3 minutes.. each time I would start. A little colder and work my way down a little quicker. I asked Wim Hof online if this would give me the same benefit and he suggested getting my breathing right and going straight into the cold would be better. I did that for the first time this morning and I must say that the initial 20 seconds is tough but it soon felt fantastic. The exhilaration is amazing and I still feel on a high. I am going to do it again at tea time and to be honest I am looking forward to it. I'm thinking about investing in a plunge pool for the garden. I have seen these for about £90. I'll keep you posted particularly on the P.

Posted Wed 22 Mar 2023 12.33 by Sarbie

Hi I have an idea, It's great to hear that cold showers are making a difference. I stopped taking them when the winter arrived. I have been successfully been using a UVB unit at home to clear the P on my body but it had little effect on my scalp. For about a month now I have just been rinsing my hair through with cold water every morning for around 30 seconds and have seen a 50% improvement. Once the weather warms up a bit more I will also go back to the cold showers as they do make you feel good. Please keep us posted on your progress and good luck!

Posted Fri 24 Mar 2023 13.16 by PrincessDi

Hello from the USA, It seems this forum discussion has been going on for a while. I have never heard about cold showers and the affect on psoriasis. My question is if folks are continuing using their other medications while doing this, like topical creams that have been prescribed? I've been on Humira, a biologic, for years and it was working great, but me thinking oh I'm healed backed off and I did well for a year and a half and boom a big spot came back August of 2021 and although I returned to shots every 2 weeks instead of 3 I can't get it to leave. So nice to find you website information, I can't find the Psoriasis Association in the US.

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