Cold Showers!

Posted Fri 24 Mar 2023 13.37 by I have an idea

Hello Di. I have stopped using my steroid cream totally and am using nothing other than the cold shower. It's a slow process but I have definitely noticed a difference. It's only been 2 weeks but the scaling is definitely less. I didn't want to use anything else whilst taking the cold showers because I didn't want to get any false readings. If I continue to see the progress that I have so far, I am really hopeful. I'll keep you posted.

Posted Fri 24 Mar 2023 14.10 by PrincessDi

Great, thanks for your reply that's exactly what I was thinking. I have a lot of different topicals some I've had for years, I've become somewhat a hoarder of meds. I also tend to use too many different ones when I get frustrated so I never give one time enough to see what works. I'm gonna just give the cold shower a go.

Posted Mon 27 Mar 2023 19.11 by PrincessDi

I should've asked earlier but do you think it's best cold showers everyday? I do practice good hygiene but sometimes I may not shower if I'm not dirty?

Posted Mon 27 Mar 2023 19.14 by I have an idea

I know what you mean, I don't usually shower every day but whilst I am doing this experiment I am showering every day for a month. I am also not using anything else.

Posted Mon 27 Mar 2023 22.43 by PrincessDi

When you say nothing else, does that include like regular lotion? My skin is so sensitive it seems like just about anything irritates it. I am still using Humira, an injection every 2 weeks but the places I have now it seems to have no effect on, and my backing off thinking I could hoard up some of it has really been what caused the breakout, now hard to recapture.

Posted Tue 28 Mar 2023 07.20 by I have an idea

Yes. I usually use the steroid cream every day for a week or so and then cetraben daily but the scaling becomes really thick after a week or so and then I start with the steroid again. But I have stopped everything. So far after 2 weeks of cold showers I have noticed the scaling getting thinner. There is a definite improvement. If I get the result that I am able to control it with just the cetraben I will be happy.

Posted Tue 28 Mar 2023 13.05 by Tulip

Has anyone got psoriatic arthritis? And have you noticed an improvement after using cold shower method?

Posted Sat 1 Apr 2023 20.50 by

Was using cold showers on and off I saw a 90 huge reduction but recent flare up back to square 1

Posted Mon 3 Apr 2023 16.24 by PrincessDi

Believe me, I feel your frustration. Any idea what caused the flare? I've been trying to document different things just to try to track down what really makes my skin angry which right now pretty much seems to be anything.

Posted Mon 3 Apr 2023 20.49 by

Unsure tbh , my son recently had a virus annd chickenpox and I think it may have caused havoc with my immune system had a similar thing with Covid and the vaccine hoping this but I can’t say for certain though which adds to the frustration I was amazed at the cold showers effectiveness when i started though also made it easier to sleep

Posted Fri 14 Apr 2023 16.13 by gr4nts

I have really enjoyed reading this thread - taking out the 'white noise' it seems that everyone brave enough to shower with cold water has seen some success. Summer is around the corner and I shall be trying this. I do wonder how much effect our 'comfortable' lifestyle fuels psoriasis or rather gives us autoimmune problems. So far and I am sure you'll all be surprised to hear topical steroids, along with many National Health-prescribed lotions and potions have not helped one bit. I did get substantial results for a month on the 'Carnivore Diet' but would need the fortitude of a monk to sustain that in our sugar-based choccie-fueled society! I am in the middle of trying silver colloidal and we'll see. Anyway, thanks for the heads up regarding cold showers. Happy bbbrrrrrr-ing my cold water washers! cya soon

Posted Wed 19 Apr 2023 16.28 by PrincessDi

I feel desperate with summer coming. Here today in NC it is already going to be 80 degrees. It wouldn't bother me so much if people didn't look at you like you were a freak of nature. I've had psoriasis since 16 years old and now at 51 I still feel self-conscious mainly I guess because others make you feel that way. I have continued with the colder showers but not daily as I can be quite the LOSER. I have read about other medicines on here I've never heard of so I'm going to be doing some research.

Posted Sun 7 May 2023 22.37 by PrincessDi

So do cold showers actually work for psoriasis?

Posted Mon 8 May 2023 15.31 by Lex

Hello PrincessDi, So for me over the last 2 years on 2 occasions (both starting in springtime) i was able to almost fully get my psoriasis to retreat. (20% covered) I'm 54 now (started with 14 yo) and never was this able without uV treatment before. Having said that, both times things got worse again over autumn and winter. But this time, i was able to keep scaling and growth limited because i did not give in to being depressed and taking warm showers again. The thing is if you only do cold once once a while and the rest warm, it will not help. At least in my case i notice that after warn showers much more scaling occur. Not sure why it is getting worse over winter. But i do know two other things happen during winter. I have very limited excersize and i eat to much (gaining between 5kg and 10kg). So i am currently trying to loose weight. (now 99kg aiming for 85kg) I have noticed that in the past, frequent gym visits get the blood flowing and also improve the skin. Hope this helps.

Posted Tue 9 May 2023 21.00 by PrincessDi

I have read on here about gluten free diets maybe there is something to that, I developed psoriasis after a case of strep throat and didn't realize that could be related somehow. The doctor I initially went to said it was often hereditary but no one we knew of in my family had it so not totally sure about that. I wonder if with the cold showers it is affecting the capillaries improving blood flow due to your body's natural reaction to cold water? I just wish there was a cure for all, as I often think they must be close to.... when it comes to many diseases.

Posted Thu 18 May 2023 00.21 by Jackie

What about your hands? I've always been told not to get my hands wet, only wash with prescription stuff, etc.

Posted Sat 20 May 2023 18.16 by PrincessDi

Wonder why that would be? your skin needs hydration I would think

Posted Wed 31 May 2023 19.48 by GemmaA

After failed attempts of using enstilar twice weekly to maintain and keep flares at bay I've stopped using it and started cold showers a few days ago, brutal at first but with summer here it's doable! Will give it a few weeks and come back with an outcome fingers crossed if this doesn't help cutting gluten from diet is my next step

Posted Mon 5 Jun 2023 18.06 by Yacht

Interesting thread. Salt water can certainly help psoriasis. A recent study suggests 48% of sufferers got 90-100% clearance by simply bathing in the salty Dead Sea for 28 days in a row. Whether it sustained after that is not clear, however. Cold water might thus (potentially) be helpful. Perhaps it can tamp down the overactive immune system commonly found in some psoriasis patients. Interesting theory.

Posted Wed 7 Jun 2023 08.38 by overitx1000

Hi everyone. Just found this thread after literally googling cryotherapy and psoriasis... Can anyone tell me if this cold shower method has helped SCALP psoriasis? It is the devil. I can sit in the sun or use my home uvb comb for my body but it is the scalp that I have NEVER seen one improvement in 10 years. The thought of these cold showers really really scares me as I loveee hot showers and baths but I would do it if someone has had scalp success??

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