Which topical treatment works for you?

Posted Tue 7 Jul 2015 15.37 by susyq5
plaque psoriasis & psoriatic arthropathy

In common with many people I find that a prescribed cream at first works ok then stops being effective. Whenever I ask the doctor for an alternative they are at a loss to know what to prescribe. So, what works for you? Can you suggest something? In the past my "go to" was Carbo Dome but this is discontinued. I use Psoriderm then Dovobet occasionally but nothing really make a significant difference. I need to be armed with a suggestion when I next visit the doctor for a review. These topical treatments also seem to be hugely expensive(even though I know its only the presciption price I pay) and I'm sure there must be something out there that is relatively inexpensive AND works! Thanks for your help everyone.

Posted Fri 19 Feb 2016 00.08 by AnastasiaGrace
I have had psoriasis since i was a baby and i am now 20. It has been hard but i was in remission for 5 years after phototherapy, however it

I have guttate psoriasis and this is what works for me! I use Dovobet steroid cream, it does become ineffective if you use it consistantly day in day out because your skin builds a resistance... BUT if you use it for a couple of days at night only so you sleep with it on allowing it to settle into your skin for 12 hours or so until it is controlled and then switch to moisturizer (diprobase) for about two weeks after that it stays controllable. it does not go but the redness / raisedness goes away. On my skalp i shampoo everyday with calprisol shampoo whcih is a coal tar - smells horrible BUT if you use conditioner after it is not so bad and then twice a week use the betnovate scalp solution it can help. These treatments are temporary, I also have the UVB narrowband light therapy at hospital, I had this 6 years ago and was in remission for 5 years after with not a spot or dot anywhere on me... unfortunatelty it came back after tonsilitus again... but am starting a new course of light therapy this week which will hopefully put me in remission again... JUST NEED MY TONSILS OUT haha there is something that works for everyone you just have to find it! GP's are USELESS! dermatollogy is generally not a special or knewledgable area for most, so ask, beg and tell them to refer you to a consultant specialist at your local hospital. They have a much broader scope of treatments they can prescribe and much better knowledge on your type and what may work! Hope this all helps x

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