Curious about how people suffering from this disease find and try out treatments

Posted Tue 7 Sep 2021 20.23 by James

Hey, I am a sufferer from psoriasis as well. Have it for about 4-5 years and in my experience, it was very confusing on what to try out, there are a lot of advertisements about "cures", various treatments and i was just overloaded, lost. So to happen, I am also an entrepreneur and thinking about creating a tool to help sort various treatments by success rates of people. It could also keep track of what have been tried, for how long, for what type of psoriasis and much more. That would in turn make suggested treatments even more accurate. Everything would be based on statistics. Currently i want to learn how other people experience this, so i would really appreciate if some of you would answer some questions: 1. How do you find something to test out? Do you check for other people experiences? If so, where? 2. How often do you change medication? What timeframe do you give to try something else? 3. How many products did you need to go trough to find something that works? 4. How/Where do you keep track of everything you tried? 5. Would you see value from a tool like this? PS: This is for natural/over the counter treatments, as any medicine should be prescribed by a certified doctor.

Posted Wed 8 Sep 2021 16.27 by Steview
A P sufferer for over 30 years, through good and bad times.

Let me be the first to reply, although not sure if my answers will help that much as most of the treatments I have used are prescribed, here goes. 1. When I started with P in the mid 80s it was basically ointments that my GP prescribed. I was even given things by other people that they thought may help. No Internet or apps of course. 2. In the early days of my P I tried numerous ointments without success. Now on biologic for two years and systemic for previous 30, so don't change that frequently. 3. I can't remember how many creams/ointments, bath addatives, soaps, I tried before finally as an in patient I used dithranol which cleared my P. After being clear for a few months it soon came back. One may find a treatment that works and then stops working or have to stop for various reasons so one treatment plan does not fit all. 4. In my head plus my doctor should hold all my records. 5. It may be useful to some but unfortunately not for me. I think the problem you may find is many of the natural/over the counter products will not be as strong as the prescribed treatments. Everyone reacts differently to treatments. There are also some treatments that make claims but can not be medically substantiated/proved. I think you would need to have some disclaimer on your app that you are not responsible for any recommendations plus one treatment may not be suitable for all. I read numerous Internet fora and medical trial test reports which I find useful, sad as I am😉 Good luck.

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