
Posted Thu 9 Sep 2021 10.50 by Niles

I have recently been diagnosed with scalp psoriasis and been prescribed Betacap to use. Can anyone who has used Betacap tell me: 1. If it does clear up your scalp? 2. If the scalp psoriasis comes back again afterwards? and if so how long did it take before returning? 3. Does the Betacap make your hair greasy when you use it? 4. Does anyone know if hair loss stops/improves after using Betacap? I appreciate that it will be different for everyone, but would like to hear about other people's experiences. I am finding it all very distressing, especially with the hair loss.

Posted Thu 9 Sep 2021 11.30 by Dizzyronnie

Hi Nials Like you say everyone is different! I’ve used it and it does soothe the skin.Mine has improved but it’s a slow process. My hairdresser says the reason for the hair loss is the scabs that form grip onto several hair follicles at once and if you brush your hair you take out a big clump! So when you comb your hair try and stay away from your scalp.. I don’t know if any of these products actually clear it, I personally just manage to keep things at bay so I can function! Good days and bad, think a lot of us are like that? Regards Roni

Posted Thu 9 Sep 2021 11.35 by Dizzyronnie

Oh! Forgot to say! I apply in the evening! Use sparingly and try to get it on your scalp, not your hair, won’t do any good there! Let it dry and sleep with it in and wash off on morning. Ideally if you know any hairdressers that can do it for you all the better, they know how to part your hair to get to the skin. They do it all the time with colouring roots.

Posted Thu 9 Sep 2021 11.39 by Niles

Thanks, Roni. I am so undecided about what to try and what not to try. Do you have to use Betacap continually to keep the scalp psoriasis at bay?

Posted Thu 9 Sep 2021 12.12 by Dizzyronnie

Well I’m a bit of a strange one! Only had one flare up so far, only had P since Feb, after Covid jabs, but that’s another story! I’ve had 3 bottles so far. First one I used the whole lot in one go. Second and third I used sparingly. Probably 2 months apart. It’s going slowly, just a sore bit at the back of my neck still there! It might go permanently? Who knows. It’s not greasy or anything. It’s very watery. Just run the bottle through your hair top to bottom at an angle so not to use too much at once. Let it dry, dries quick and sleep on it with a towel on your pillow, or a shower cap! Will be fine, I think we all try anything once on this site? Hello

Posted Thu 9 Sep 2021 12.19 by Dizzyronnie

Also try taking antihistamine. I take daily and I’m sure it’s helping

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