Hi, my name is Irlanda and I’m currently 21, I have had psoriasis since my 15
My mom like to research by her own and she frequently tells me to stop eating cheese, cream, bread and anything that has milk or flour
But I want to know, is that true?
We have never went to a nutritionist so that’s why I don’t really believe in what she tells me, I don’t even know were does she got that info
Posted Tue 9 Nov 2021 12.45 by OhNo_NotAgain?
Irlanda, people have tried various dietary changes and what is claimed to work for some makes absolutely no difference for others.
I have never nioticed any apparent klink between my psoriasis and what I eat or drink. However, it is relatively cheap and easy to cut out sonmething for a month, and see if YOU see any change in your condition/symptoms.
Posted Mon 15 Nov 2021 22.59 by Sizzy Psoriasis 40 years, most treatments tried over this time, currently on biologics (stelara) as nothing else work.
Try cutting out nightshade food - have a google. I find these food irritate my skin. You probably need to just give up one type of food for a week at a time and see if any difference. Like gluten one week, nightshade the next, then dairy.
Alcohol deffo makes skin dry as does smoking.
Hello Irly008
Cheese and flour products are delicious....
But also two of the very worst foods you can eat with psoriasis
This is very well-known and has been for years,, so your mom could have picked up the information from almost anywhere
Giving stuff up for a mere week is probably pointless, you need to give up for a lot longer to see the results.
Not easy for a 17 year old granted
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