
Posted Sun 14 Nov 2021 13.52 by Bex31

Hi I have had a bad flare up and I'm so itichy. Can anyone recommend a cream or anything to use to stop my skin from been so itichy? Thank you.

Posted Wed 17 Nov 2021 23.28 by CKING

I made my GP put double base gel on repeat prescription. I find other moisturisers to be not as effective but Aveeno is OK from boots or a chemist it is just off the shelf if you need something quick

Posted Thu 18 Nov 2021 02.09 by Bex31

Thank you for your reply.

Posted Thu 18 Nov 2021 10.06 by Loz79

I use an antihistamine, 50:50 and alternate this with diprobase and oilatum bath soak. Sometimes helps but when my itching is really bad I have used eurax which I buy from the pharmacy

Posted Thu 18 Nov 2021 11.12 by Bex31

Thank you for your reply. I'm on a strong antihistamine that my doctor put me on. Might have to give the eurax ago. As the creams and stuff dermatology have prescribed me are not really working.

Posted Thu 3 Mar 2022 21.43 by The Cure

Hi Calamine lotion, for that angry itch.

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