Humira? Not sure on it….

Posted Sat 20 Nov 2021 21.19 by Heidiloobylou75

Not sure if I’m happy to start humira. Doc said it’s not just about way it looks, it’s how and what it’s doing inside? What does that mean? Apremilast is ok, not cleared completely… but think I can’t risk worse health on humira. I feel crap all time actually, sluggish. Etc but Docs say humira will sort this and give me better quality of life. But I’ve no pain or arthritis with psoriasis. But to risk it. Higher cancer risk, mum had lymphoma, not meds related. I just dunno what to do, I’d sorta rather have the psoriasis as it is and try eat better and heal within, is this possible?? I also read you can get further outbreaks , I don’t want any more than I have!

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