Finally went to GP about my genital psoriasis!

Posted Tue 7 Dec 2021 18.17 by Watermelonsuga

I posted on this forum a few months ago about being anxious to go to gp, after lots of helpful comments on here and a few more months of overthinking it, I finally went today! The dr prescribed me some scalp treatment for my scalp and then some steroids for my genital psoriasis and confirmed that he thinks it is definitely genital psoriasis, I had previously got a full STI screen to make sure they wouldn’t fob me off too! Ha. I am anxious about the steroids - I have read multiple things about the use of steroid on sensitive areas, I’ve been given betamethasone valerate 0.1% cream and then a betamethasone ointment. Has anyone with similar difficulties used these treatments? I am not overly hopeful right now that these will help but I’m just happy I’ve at least taken the first step. Thanks guys

Posted Tue 7 Dec 2021 18.26 by Sizzy
Psoriasis 40 years, most treatments tried over this time, currently on biologics (stelara) as nothing else work.

Hi Great you have a diagnoses. Steriod do help psoriasis and if you are lucky, will clear it without reoccurrence. Short term use is fine and just use sparingly (don't slap on like moisturiser). Usually they say to use for a week or two then have a break. Probably best to use loose fitting undies as well as tightly wrapped can make steroids more intense. Hope you get on well with what you've been given, good luck 😀

Posted Sun 12 Dec 2021 11.48 by OhNo_NotAgain? (edited Mon 13 Dec 2021 18.39 by OhNo_NotAgain?)

Watermelonsuga : most if not all steroids have warnings in the patient leaflets and guidelines about not using on sensitive areas, eg genitals, near the eyes, perhaps even on the face. This because steroids can thin the skin if over-used and can also damage the eyes. Back in the 70s and 80s, Betnovate was the main steroid in use, and some people used to use it extensively on their face. It thinned the skin over time, and they developed a ruddy appearance due to the skin being thin, and the redness of blood in the blood vessels showing through. This was often referred to as "betnovate face". I think the warnings are there to hopefully stop people over-using the steroid or using it somewhere without their doctor's knowledge. If a medical professional is prescribing steroid and advising to use it on sensitive areas, I would expect them to guide you on how much and how often to use it, and also to have you come back quite often so that they can monitor quite closely the progress and effects, eg every 2 weeks or even more often. I had a patch of psoriasis appear on one eyelid some years ago, I already had it in many other places on my body. I passed my little finger over the nozzle of the steroid tube, getting only just enough steroid on my finger to make it look shiny. I then applied that to the patch on my eyelid. I applied it once every 3 or 4 days only, and stopped as soon as the patch disappeared. I was lucky and it never returned.

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