
Posted Sun 2 Jan 2022 00.28 by marcie

How quickly - or not - did anyone find they had side effects from this? I’ve taken my test dose, and I have the following: brain fog, bleeding gums, pains in the upper right of my abdomen, coughing and very wheezy. I also have what looks like a bad sunburn in places, with blisters, but I haven’t been anywhere sunny, and certainly haven’t exposed those parts of my skin to the sun. My dermatologist says it cannot be metho side effects as it came on too quickly after my test dose (48 hours) so I spoke to my GP and my GP says he believes it is definitely the metho and I should not take more. Very confused!

1 Posted Mon 3 Jan 2022 13.00 by Yacht

Methotrexate is (basically) chemotherapy. Some studies suggest methotrexate gives less than 10% chance of 90% psoriasis clearance (PASI 90). Very low success rate. Doctors like it because it is cheap (pennies).

Posted Wed 5 Jan 2022 15.12 by Matt1972

Hi. Sorry to hear that you having such a bad reaction. I was on it for around 15 months, lockdown included. I did not have the reaction u are having. It did make me nauseous, irratible and headaches, occasional dizziness. As said above, its a very strong drug. Did work for a bit, but I never was completely clear. Legs and elbows stubborn I was on cyclosporin before that, which worked well. U could consider that. Although its a short term one with that. A year maximum... ultimately, you have to try these things before u are considered for biological injections. Don't loose hope, but if all these reactions continue, then go back and talk to your dermitologist. Good luck

Posted Wed 5 Jan 2022 15.24 by marcie

Thank you. I was on cyclo before metho and I loved it - I was 100% clear in less than a week which was just incredible! Apparently my blood tests are ok so I guess I continue with the metho but I have to say I’m not holding my breath for a brilliant reaction. Fingers crossed I have a better response this time :)

Posted Mon 10 Jan 2022 14.44 by lizziep (edited Mon 10 Jan 2022 14.45 by lizziep)

I has a number of years on/off Cyclosporin - I used to take it though the summer and come off it for the winter - they allowed me to do tht for a few years - I forget how many - perhaps 5? I agree it clears the skin within a week.

Posted Tue 11 Jan 2022 00.31 by Yacht

Not sure why my post above is getting a thumbs-down! Metho is chemotherapy, and it has a very low success rate (<10%) for psoriasis PASI 90% or PASI 100% clearance. Plenty of studies (and Wikipedia) out there on it.

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