
Posted Sun 23 Jan 2022 02.23 by Mary1968

Hello Everyone I have had a light-bulb moment. Yay doesn't happen often :) In the past two years, I have been clearing out all clothing and bedsheets, made from cloth like : linen, rayon, acrylic, polyester, and other synthetic fabrics. The main reason was, I have put on a bit of weight, and have found heavy fabrics and synthetics to cause chaffing and rashes, especially in warmer weather. The second reason, was concerns about petrochemicals used in the making of, and the finished garment. I have swapped my bedsheets to silk, and all my clothes (including undergarments) over to organic bamboo Bamboo is soooooooooooo comfortable to wear. Sort of a soft and silky feel I have just thought. I wish I could have brought all this stuff when I had bad psoriasis coverage, as it would have been so much more comfortable and non-irritating for me to wear. Therefore, just an idea, for anyone currently irritated by clothes rubbing, or stickiness. Changing my washing power to non-scented helped too.

Posted Fri 22 Apr 2022 04.10 by Mary1968

I have now changed my entire wardrobe (apart from shoes) over to bamboo - even my facemask for Covid is made from the stuff

Posted Fri 22 Apr 2022 16.26 by Scotus0 - 29 from Salford
Seeking advice/tips for overcoming Guttate | Pso blog: GetLostGuttate

Interesting- I was looking into a patch test to see if any materials are contributing to my red, angry skin. Done, privately though, they cost £400!

Posted Wed 27 Apr 2022 11.40 by Mary1968

Scotus0 Wow. That is expensive However, I would say, any synthetic clothing made with petrochemicals, will be inflaming your skin. As will the residue from most washing products or tumble drying sheets I had to swap my washing powder over to a plant based formula, that was free from fragrance, dyes, petrochemicals, ammonia and chlorine. Before doing expensive tests, I would try changing your washing powder first, and then maybe getting some certified organic cotton, hemp, silk or bamboo clothing, towels and bedsheets. You should be able to feel the difference straight away

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