My story & UVB Nerve damage

Posted Mon 7 Feb 2022 14.25 by Rads68

Hi all. I've had plaque psoriasis for something approaching 20 years. I believe it started through stress bought on from an ex partner and her troublesome son. Doctors thought it was folliculitus at first as I suffered with shaving rashes too but it spread to my knees and elbows too and so P was diagnosed. After the usual topical route I progressed onto UVB at the hospital, with great results. When my buttocks became covered a year or so later I cleared with a course of PUVA at the hospital. Great suntan and total clearance for about 6 months. As always, P returns. I've had in total 5 UVB and 2 PUVA courses. I'm just seeing a return of patches now after a few months so have purchased a home unit to top up once a week. I use protopic on my face, ears, neck as required, Hydromol lotion to moisturise and Elocon cream on more stubborn patches. Up until recently I've always done a lot of competitive cycling, but apart from the sweat irritating the P on my buttocks and pubic regions, after one course of UVB, or PUVA, I cant remember which, I found I could no longer sit on a saddle comfortably as my sit bones felt as they were incredibly bruised and sensitive, as though I was sitting directly on the bones. A consultant told me the light can penetrate onto the nerves so I was probably suffering nerve damage but every other dermatology nurse or consultant has told me this isn't possible as the light cant penetrate so deep. Has anyone ever suffered such nerve damage please?? It would be great to know I'm not alone. It's wrecked my lifelong hobby.

Posted Wed 9 Feb 2022 20.58 by

My skin feels like it’s burning even though my skin seems to be getting better. My doctor has given my tablets which helps. He thinks it’s maybe some nerve damage???

Posted Sun 17 Apr 2022 07.47 by Yacht

Could it be nerve damage, or the initial onset of psoriatic arthritis?

Posted Sun 17 Apr 2022 09.42 by

I won’t go swimming anymore my legs are such a mess. Have stop all creams containing paraffin, not sure if it’s making it any better. It does not matter what I do none of it works.

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