Infrared Sauna for psoriasis?

Posted Wed 9 Feb 2022 04.51 by ColleenTorres

First of all I would like to say thank you for this community, you give me some courage to face the disease again. now to my question, what is your experience with sauna and psoriasis, did it get worse or did you not notice any difference ? I have psoriasis on the head, face and around genital area for 6 years now.

Posted Wed 9 Feb 2022 21.17 by Paul macbay
Hi. I'm Paul and I have had guttate & plaque psoriasis from the age of 4 and recently PSA which first started in my teens but was missed.

Hi Colleen. I've not had any experience with such a thing as a way to treat psoriasis. If I may ask? What's led you to consider it to treat your psoriasis? Kind regards, Paul

Posted Wed 11 Jan 2023 22.20 by PM (edited Thu 12 Jan 2023 00.23 by PM)

@ColleenTorres @Paul Macbay Thanks for your post! There are a couple of interesting studies out on psoriasis and LED light. Scientific research shows that it’s of enough interest to study repeatedly and there is at least one govt clinical trial in the works this year in the US for another wearable medical device. I’ve read a lot about this and can share a couple of links to videos that explain Red LED and studies on red and also blue LED light. Other than protecting your eyes I have yet to see anything written about any negative side effects. As always, involve your doctor. As the enthusiasts, doctors and professors below each attest, Red LED and Infrared LED of specific wavelengths are reported to activate cellular mitochondria, said to create more collagen and rejuvenate cells. Sports Med Drs are prescribing it to heal injuries as are Surgeons after invasive operations. I was interested in the Red LEDs ability to prime skin against burning and also heighten ability to manufacture D from sunlight, something that has the promise to help many with psoriasis who have intestinal issues now being linked to an inability to extract D from foods. This made sense to me, so I kept reading looking for answers. Either way as long as you keep your doctor on board and little known side effects, this is a promising field to learn about. None of this is selling anything. Hope it’s alright to share links educational links here. The blue LED study further below is a NON UV light source. Just 453nm blue LED lightbulbs. The major manufacturer, Philips put a lot of time and research into blue LED light used to treat psoriasis, finally releasing a wearable device called BlueControl. They had patient ambassadors for different countries and sold this in the UK and EU. It was accepted by the US FDA but it doesn’t look like it was sold there. Eventually they stopped selling it, even though their studies and users showing it worked. Anybody know the story behind why it’s not available? Videos about Red Light 1 Barefoot Shoe Guy ( The whole video is interesting but particularly the couple of minutes following the 6:50 mark ) 2 MedCram Sunlight: Optimize Health and Immunity (Light Therapy and Melatonin) Video thumbnail image says Light As Medicine - Vitamin D isn’t enough 3 Andrew Huberman Using Light (Sunlight, Blue Light & Red Light) to Optimize Health | Huberman Lab Podcast #68 from a Stanford Professor 4 Commonwealth Club of California A Dr and NASA grantee physicist discuss medical application of light “Breakthroughs in Light Medicine : Treating Dementias and Pain” Here are the two of the published peer reviewed studies I've found for LED light re Pso Red/ Infrared Dr Glynis Ablon Blue Philips Lighting I’m happy to share anything I’ve learned to answer questions about light therapy, although I’m not well versed re UV.

Posted Mon 23 Jan 2023 19.12 by Lizzie
I have had Psoriasis for 42 years sometimes it clear other times not - its hard to live with and i have used all topical medication

Hi PM, This is interesting. I was just looking at the Dermalux flex MD LED Device and wondering whether anyone has any experience of it for curing P? I use Soratinex which is really effective as it has cleared my psoriasis a lot to the extent that I don’t use any other medication or visit the doctors about my P. However, occasionally it does come back and I think I have to rest the Soratinex but that makes the P worse. I have thought about this LED which says it’s has good results but as it’s expensive, I wondered whether anyone has any experience of it? Lizzie

Posted Wed 25 Jan 2023 08.06 by PM

Hey Lizzie, I’m not familiar with that light but will look it up. If I had to put faith in any of these devices treating psoriasis I’d go with the blue led device Philips put out called BlueControl. It’s not apparent why it’s no longer on the market but it was sold in the U K and EU and is often available online used on eBay etc .. The blue led study linked above was for that and it got approved in the States by USFDAbut wasn’t sold there. lots of yr videos for it still exist and information from users said it took 6-10 weeks to work. I think it retailed for 3–400£ but I recently saw one online used for 75. Must have cost millions to design and manufacture and the co even had users in individual countries acting as Patient Ambassadors… bloggers etc sating with patience it worked. The studies showed no negligible side effects. I’d love to try that 453nm blue led light.

Posted Wed 25 Jan 2023 08.31 by Lizzie
I have had Psoriasis for 42 years sometimes it clear other times not - its hard to live with and i have used all topical medication

Thanks PM. I did look out for the Philips LED device but noticed that it was no longer available. It is quite small though so would take ages if your P is extensive. Do check out the Dermalux as it appears to be based on the Same principles. It is much more expensive to buy or to book lots of salon appointments. I have a call with them and will see what they say. Let me know your view when you have had a look. You appear to have researched so much already. Thank you

Posted Wed 25 Jan 2023 20.40 by PM (edited Wed 25 Jan 2023 20.42 by PM)

Found this quote online about it posted on a site called Body Beautiful “The Flex MD robust flexible panel houses 360 LEDs of 3 clinically proven colours; blue 415nm, red 633nm and near infrared (NIR) 830nm. The Dermalux precise and potent LED photon power delivers fast & significant anti-aging results. It's so effective it’s also medically-cleared to treat acne, psoriasis, healing, & musculoskeletal pain.” But I can’t find anything written about it being sold as a medical device. Can you? If so please share.. what they seem to be alluding to is that other devices in those nm ranges have been cleared. And they have.. see Philips study. If Flex MD was a medical device in the US then Doctors would have to prescribe it ( like UVB light panels and therapy) and there would have to be govt clinical trials on humans to show side effects and Erica y like Philips BlueControl did. What about in UK? can you buy approved medical phototherapy devices without a prescription? Here you can’t get away with calling something a medical device for very long if it isn’t one or hasn’t been approved by the govt. I’ve read a lot of medical studies on LED specifically and found the links I shared above th most reputable. The blue light portion of the Flex MD is 415nm, much further into the blue spectrum than the 453nm Philips used. Blue light is very bad for eyes, so be certain to use medically recognized eye protection if you go for blue light therapy. There was another US clinical trial scheduled in the US for an LED “wearable” last time I reviewed the clinical trials website. Straight up screw in type blue LED plant lights in the mid 400nm range cost about 45USD. IMO the salons that charge you have no medical licenses and offer no guarantees; seems like they’re just baiting people it’s disposable income that few actually have. I’d buy a used thing or build one before I set foot in a spa, please save your money. Ps, read about the new topicals coming out now in the US without steroids, like Vtama. I joined here to write on a thread about that and hope it will be cleared for use in UK and EU soon. It’s been truly amazing for me.

Posted Sat 15 Mar 2025 18.49 by Lizzie
I have had Psoriasis for 42 years sometimes it clear other times not - its hard to live with and i have used all topical medication

Hello me again. I bought the Dermalux and it did help a bit but you need to use every other day and as I have a flare up at the moment, it means having to do lots of sessions as it’s small! Anyway I would like to know if anyone has had any success with infrared sauna blankets as these are cheaper but can cover the whole body! I will ask on another thread as well!

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