
Posted Wed 9 Feb 2022 12.09 by Benny

Hi can anybody recommend a moisturizer for my face I get flare-ups on my nose and under eyes dovebet and others prescribed by doctor just makes it worse enybody who could help would very much appreciate it

Posted Thu 10 Feb 2022 10.07 by Kevin

Hi Benny . I would find out what ingredient(s) it is that is causing the reaction so you can find a more suitable moisturizer . Maybe go for a basic avocado oil ,cant see that doing much harm .

Posted Thu 10 Feb 2022 18.50 by bargainlovingmum

Hi Benny - I've had the same problems with prescription moisturisers - they stopped helping me. I've had a really good experience with Lyonsleaf products - they're all natural, and I've found my skin doesn't react negatively at all. Also, unexpectedly, I've been loving using a Chinese moisturiser by Princess House. I've no idea how you buy it online, as I get mine from a Chinese acupuncturist/herbalist I have started to see about my psoriasis. I don't know why it works so well, and I've not found an English translation of the ingredients, so I'm not sure what's in the soothing Gel and moisturiser! (I use the gel, then the moisturiser on top). Not sure if this helps at all, but I wish you all the very best with everything. I find psoriasis on my face, and other face skin problems the hardest to deal with of all...

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