Anyone find a natural alternative to methotrexate? xate

Posted Fri 11 Feb 2022 22.48 by breaktwister

Methotrexate injections completely cleared my skin after a few weeks but I stopped the injections in early 2020 for fear of covid. I would prefer not to go back onto the injections but the P is now breaking out all over my head and forehead. I've tried various diets and creams over the years with little to no success. Anything else I could try before I reluctantly go back onto methotrexate?

Posted Sat 12 Feb 2022 08.57 by lizziep (edited Sat 12 Feb 2022 10.20 by lizziep)

Hi breaktwister - I didn't realise you could have methotrexate by injection - it shows how things have moved on since I had it many years ago - it didn't agree with me. I was on Skilerence and also came off it because of COVID and am also reluctant to go back onto immune suppressants. Since then I have tried everything, elimination diets, fasting, blueberries, probiotic and nothing helps me. I know some people have success such things, but sadly not me. I vacillate between thinking I will just manage with Enstilar foam and emoluments and going back onto something. No decision made yet - partly because I cant get back to the dermatologist. Good luck.

Posted Sat 12 Feb 2022 11.57 by breaktwister

The injections are self administered via a little pen into your leg. Not at all painful and bypasses the stomach upset that the tablets used to cause me. Still horrible fatigue and sore heads during the start of the treatments though. I am looking at home UVB options atm.

Posted Sat 12 Feb 2022 12.26 by lizziep

The methotextrate pills affected my liver. I loved the PUVA when I did it, worked a treat, but was told at the time that I had reached my maximum lifetime limit for it.

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