Worse every winter

Posted Sun 13 Feb 2022 02.58 by Omanuel94

Hi, Has anyone else noticed their psoriasis gets worse each winter? So flare ups in winter iv'e had for years, come summer the condition is slightly more manageable/faded. I wonder what the cause is, if it's the cold weather on the skin, lack of sun vit D, or even central heating constant (dry heat). Either way as a 27 year old male i feel like it's already getting too much. Iv'e seen countless doctors and out of all treatments Enstillar Foam worked the best but then the effect wore off. Dovonex, hydrocortisone, dovobet and all other creams havn't helped at all and/or made it worse. I use the sunbed, this helps it i believe but i get the plaque psoriasis on my feet the worst and and as for the groin the inverse psoriasis is unbearable iv'e tried so much the itchiness, redness, soreness is unbelievable. Anyone else notice theres gets worse and worse?

1 Posted Thu 17 Feb 2022 15.08 by redzo98

Yep definitely! Without fail, by November I am COVERED head to toe... then with enough sun by July I'm okay (ish). Hang in there:)

Posted Fri 4 Mar 2022 19.57 by Golfer45
How do… Had this dreaded thing for a few years now and just lived with it, After having covid it’s got so bad so looking to get it fixed

Hi. Mine is the same, every winter it gets so sore

Posted Wed 16 Mar 2022 11.19 by Mich

Mine always gets worse in winter and I've found that it's all about how you manage it. Until covid hit, I nearly always had a winter sun holiday which really helped (Canary Islands). Having baths with emoillents and using plenty of moisteriser then your prescription cream helps and also keeping warm but not too hot. There's no getting away from the fact that it's hard work and some days I just couldn't be bothered to do all this.

Posted Wed 16 Mar 2022 14.36 by Nish

Hi. Im experiencing a very similiar pattern too. in 2021 I had a severe flare up in October but have noticed this happens mainly induring the winter months and short days too. Im not sure if theres a link to how we may increase the number of layers of clothes we may put on and the flare ups.

Posted Fri 22 Apr 2022 03.48 by Mary1968

Hello There Yes, when I had bad psoriasis, I noticed it would always be worse in the winter months. It would especially flare up in winter after I had colds or flu, when my immune system was taking a beating. I am sure central heating is terrible for it, as I use to notice it was much worse, than if a house was heated by an open fireplace Definitely lack of Vitamin D would be a major factor. They have done some studies, and found psoriasis sufferers are normally deficient in VitD - along with zinc and Omega-3 essential fatty acids. I have specifically made this point, as after I started on a combination of Vitamin D3 and Fish Oil (and later Zinc) daily, in an effort to reduce flu symptoms, the psoriasis patches I had at that time, started to noticeably clear up A point to make, doctor said my VitD levels were fine, but I supplemented regardless. Not only did psoriasis start to clear, but I was able to reduce flu symptoms considerably.

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