Otezla (Apremilast) - Just started and within 1 week !.....

Posted Wed 16 Feb 2022 08.50 by A1EK

hi fellow amazing psoriasis friends. I have just started taking Otezla (Apremilast) which was recommended by the dermatologist for a week now and oh boy I am seeing some changes already ! However, I do have to admit that by accident I am taking a stronger doze straight away, as I was supposed to be on something called a starter pack, that slowly increased the dose each day so you do not suffer at first with the potential side affects like nausea, headaches etc, When I picked up my prescription from the chemist I was given 30mg tablets instead which I have been taking twice daily so 60mg. I did feel a little tired but after a week don't seem to notice it and my stomach is fine. I also take Methotrexate for my joints with no stomach issue. Summary, is that my skin feels flatter and much less scaly, the redness is disappearing and this is all just in one week of taking Otezla (Apremilast). Quite excited for the first time in 20 years !!!!

Posted Sat 19 Feb 2022 12.00 by LloydRodgers

Hello just joined this forum, my question is does this prescription deal with scalp psoriasis as well as skin? Thanks

Posted Sun 6 Mar 2022 16.12 by Hanny1973

Hi - thanks for the summary, I wondered what else you have tried before being prescribed Otexzla?

Posted Fri 11 Mar 2022 10.04 by rapture83

Hi @A1EK, check my topic I posted, I updated it today so should be near the top! I’ve been on Otezla now for 19 weeks, it’s only until this week I think I’m starting to see results, everything is going a pink-ish colour and the smaller patches slightly bruised, it’s always been bright red, not getting my hopes up too much but I’m on no other medication, no steroids, just 2 pills per day and this is what happened, no change in my diet either, thanks!

Posted Sat 12 Mar 2022 09.19 by rapture83

@Llyodrodgers - Yes it’s supposed to help clear scalp P, if you want my advice, as I had it quite bad on my scalp! Ask your doctor for Diprosalic Scalp Application, it’s a little bottle of clear water like lotion that just dries like water on your hair but the scalp sucks it in, if you stick it on after your shower every other day then dry your hair that’s what I do, this has kept my scalp completely clear for years, cheers

Posted Tue 29 Mar 2022 22.29 by Pippin

Hi I am hoping my dermatologist will put me on Otezla, is there any other feed back about this medication, I am desperate to stop itching, many thanks, Pip

Posted Wed 30 Mar 2022 07.50 by rapture83

@pippin everyone is different, it’s took me 19-20 weeks to start seeing any sort of results, when I started taking it I was I’ll after my 2nd day, sickness, nausea, headaches, shivers then the next day totally fine, no issues after that. There are some people that the symptoms happen a lot and some people nothing at all! I stopped using them last week for 3 days simply due to the fact I didn’t realise I had ran out and had to go away for work, within those 3 days spots started to appear again, I got more pills and started them again, 2nd day in sickness like before then after that nothing, 1 week into taking them again the spots that came back are starting to go light again. Also on the above, some people might start this medication and it works within weeks, some people like me it can take months so don’t get your hopes up for a quick fix! It might be an idea for you to maybe start them and also use a steroid cream/foam just to speed up the process, you can then gradually ease up on it then stop using it, a lot of people do that too! It’s worth a go anyway, what’s 2 pills a day? Nothing at all! If my spots/patches don’t completely clear up in a few more month Ed I’m going to move up to MXT as obv pill form is doing something, my Dermo has agreed on this so one or the other pill medication is worth a go! Hope this helps!

Posted Wed 5 Jul 2023 03.08 by crowlett

I have been on Otezla for about 3 months and the nausea and vomiting have not stopped. The medication works great for me but the sickness never seems to go away. Does anyone have any tricks to taking the medication so this doesn’t keep happening? I don’t want to stop the medication because it works so well for me. Help, anyone!

Posted Mon 10 Jul 2023 19.16 by crowlett

I am still struggling after over three months on Otezla. Does anyone know of any drug interactions with Otezla? Like supplements?

Posted Sun 16 Jul 2023 20.03 by Speedy
Hi I am a 56 year old woman, I've had plantar pustulosis for 13 years. I have scalp and guttate psoriasis too.

Hi @crowlett I am about to start Otezla this week. I was advised not to take herbal remedies and signed a disclaimer. You can take vitamins though. I hope you start feeling better soon. I would suggest you speak to your dermatologist for advice on side effects or drug interactions. Good luck. 😊

Posted Mon 17 Jul 2023 10.03 by rapture83

Hi, I was on Otezla for 6 months and it did absolutely nothing for me sadly, after 6 months my dermo suggested I stop that treatment as if it didn’t do anything in 6 months there was no point. I was then put on Methotrexate, I was on that for around 3 months and again no change although I think it does take longer but I was struggling with my social life being on it, no alcohol being the main one so I decided to stop it as I just couldn’t enjoy myself being out with my wife, friends etc….selfish thinking I know but it is what it is. I will say with Otezla that I only feel sick with it the first week of being on it then after that nothing at all. The only thing left for me which I hadn’t tried yet was UVB light treatment, I had my 1st session today which was 13 seconds and I’m booked in for 6 weeks/3 sessions per week where the time will increase, I will have my 6 weeks extended if needed. Good luck and hopefully Otezla works for you, I think it’s just your luck as there are many success stories with it, really wish it worked for me as taking a pill a week was so easy :-(

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