face psoriasis

Posted Sat 19 Feb 2022 18.49 by akgray

Hey, i have suffered with psoriasis for the last few years but it has never affected my face, but now over the last few weeks it has completely covered my forehead. I was wondering if anyone has experienced this and how they dealt with it? Thanks :)

Posted Tue 22 Feb 2022 17.25 by redzo98

Hey, I used to get it all over my face, it sucks :( The only thing I use (I refuse to use steroid cream anywhere else anymore) is the teeniest tiniest dab of protopic ointment on my patches and they go - ask GP for some. Only a tiiiiny bit though, it does the trick

Posted Tue 22 Feb 2022 18.10 by SharonG

Hey redzo98 What is the name of the protopic you are using? I also refuse to use steroids as it has always made my ppp so much worse - I feel like I have been cut loose by dermatology as I do not want to take Acitretin or methotrexate either so they have said they cannot help me if I choose to refuse so it’s back to treating myself with moisturisers - I try anything and everything as long as it’s natural ingredients - I had PuVA treatment 5 years ago but that too seemed to make it worse - I have it on my feet - very painful just to walk :( I did have a little success with the blueberries but it didn’t last and I am now suffering an awful flare up - so fed up of it all. If my Gp is ok to try protopics I will give that a try if it seems to work for you?

1 Posted Mon 28 Feb 2022 17.06 by Gerald

AMAZING NEWS MY FELLOW PATIENTS. I’m a psoriasis patient myself and after years of suffering, my brother, God bless his heart suggested a regular non prescription cream for me and it’s AMAZING. It’s called “DROPS OF YOUTH, YOUTH CREAM” by “THE BODY SHOP”. My psoriasis is intermediate and not a single prescription cream was effective enough except for Betamethason Valerate but it thins the skin and others have terrible side effects, like skin cancer. This cream though doesn’t have side effects as far as I know. I applied it everyday and saw results as quick as 4 days. My face stopped flaking, no redness and no burning!! I thought that like all creams, my skin would turn back to it’s Psoriasis like condition, but I was amazed that after a couple of weeks, it ACTUALLY MADE MY SKIN BETTER IN GENERAL!! IT FIXES IT FOR THE SHORT TERM AT LEAST!! After using it for a couple of weeks, I got busy and sometimes lazy to apply it but noticed that for a number of days without applying it, my skin looked pretty good even after washing! Which we all know that just water causes our skin to flake. I think it’ll work great on the body too. I tried it but not as much as my face. Try it, it’s only $34 but it’s worth it and I’m sure that it’ll make a difference with you, depending on how severe your Psoriasis is. Which reminds me, if you still notice scaling or that the effect isn’t that great, APPLY BIGGER AMOUNTS. I sometimes travel to countries with freezing temperatures and the flaking gets out of hand, so I overapplied the cream and went out in -15 Celsius and NOT A SINGLE FLAKE FORMS ON MY FACE!! I promised myself to share this with struggling patients like myself since my brother told me about it, therefore PLEASE SHARE!!!

Posted Sun 13 Mar 2022 16.54 by Sarbie

Hi there, I am new to the forum. I have have suffered from psoriasis for the last 30 years although I have gone 10 plus years sometimes with no symptoms. I am fairly sure that severe stress is my trigger as I can link an outbreak to a very stressful time in my life. I am waiting to see a dermatologist as everything the GP has prescribed has not permanently worked. My body psoriasis does seem to have improved but the redness is taking so much longer to improve now I'm older. Theres not much improvement with my scalp though. I have read on some of the scalp treatments people are using on here so I will see if a can try those. It helps to see I am not alone with this condition although I wish none of us have it!

Posted Sat 19 Mar 2022 23.04 by Ki

Hi everyone. New here my psoriasis has been constant for 5 years and all I get from Dr is Tey this cream try that cream nothing seems to work. I am going through a massive flare up right now over my face and its really getting me down. No matter what I try it does not help any suggestions would be greatly appreciated

Posted Sun 20 Mar 2022 11.23 by Sarah

Hi, I have the odd patch appear on my face now which I can control with using Eucerin 10% UREA cream….. I came across this whilst I was having a particularly bad flare up which effected my elbows , knees, face and random other body parts. What I found was if I applied it continually through the day the patches on my face went. My knees have cleared. I still have areas on my elbows but they are no where near as bad as they use to be. My hands are also clear. I used to use steroids but found my skin would rebound and be 50x worse. I try my hardest not to use steroids now but If ever I get a stubborn area I will use enstillar every other day alongside Eucerin and then reduce to every other day etc and as I reduce that I increase Eucerin. Obviously don’t use Ensillar on face but persevere with Eucerin and if have you to use steroids I found hydrocortisone cream used in same way as enstillar has got rid of it snd is much more gentle than some.

Posted Thu 24 Mar 2022 07.54 by Sarbie

Hi Ki, I have seen a dermatologist this week as I have psoriasis all over including a few patches on my face. I have been prescribed various treatments all of which are making difference but for my face I am using Trimovate. The patches are already much better even after just a couple of days. Hope that helps.

1 Posted Sun 17 Apr 2022 07.42 by Yacht

Lots of stealth adverts popping up on this forum :-( Face psoriasis is absolutely miserable. The best chance to treat it is with one of the newer biologics (injection), such as Skyrizi. Newer biologics can give a 70-80% chance of complete or near-complete clearance. No other treatments come close, right now.

Posted Mon 18 Apr 2022 22.08 by Sandyn (edited Mon 18 Apr 2022 22.09 by Sandyn)

When i have a flare up on my face I use a few dabs of steroid cream. Trimovate. I am a fan of Body Shop Vitamin E products. I use the night time serum oil. It is not a miracle cure but keeps it at bay.

Posted Fri 22 Apr 2022 02.52 by Mary1968

Face psoriasis is a bummer, as very hard to hide it. I use to have it on my forehead, in eyebrows, on eyelids, and upper lip. And trying to hide it under foundation was horrible, as the makeup would then make the patches itch. Don't mind using a dab of steroid cream on my upper lip, but definitely not near or on my eyes. I would try coconut oil, jojoba oil or calendula cream on such delicate areas.

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