Avoiding Methotrexate?

Posted Sun 6 Mar 2022 16.07 by Hanny1973

Hi - Newbie here, hello everyone. After suffering from psoriasis for >30 years I have yet another consultant appointment this week. I have been using Enstilar effectively over the last year or so which does help but I have so many patches its becoming unmanageable (plus it makes me feel like I could swim the channel I'm so greasy). I've had light treatment several times which has been effective but the psoriasis returns quite quickly afterwards. My guess is that I will get offered Methotrexate from the consultant but I really want to avoid having to take it, with all the known side effects and lifestyle modifications. There are some much newer, more effective treatments that I would like to try. I wondered if anyone else has had a similar situation or suggestions on how to drive the discussions. Thanks for reading.

Posted Wed 9 Mar 2022 18.40 by Steview
A P sufferer for over 30 years, through good and bad times.

Hello Nanny and welcome. Your description is typical of what many P sufferers go through. On the NHS there is normally a protocol that the consultants have to follow. You have done the topicals and light treatment, next will be systemics with the likes of Acitretin, methotrexate or Cyclosporine as common examples. Usually the guidance is to try two of those then the next will be the newer biologic medicines. Nothing is guaranteed though and is all down to your medical situation and what your derm thinks. I know each of those can be effective treatments and can have side effects to a degree. Good luck

Posted Mon 9 Jan 2023 11.51 by Hanny1973

Hi all - After some reluctance I started on Metho' in October. The initial side effects were not great but injecting on a Sunday night a long with paracetamol seemed to help. What has been an issue is getting ill - I've three children who attend three different schools therefore brings lots of bugs and illnesses home. I'm never usually ill but since starting M I've had more time off work in the last three months than I have in 10 years. I have a consultant appointment on Wednesday to discuss further options!

Posted Mon 9 Jan 2023 15.23 by Steview
A P sufferer for over 30 years, through good and bad times.

Hi Hanny, the big question is how is your P improving? As far as being ill that is a possible drawback of immunosuppresent meds. Good luck.

Posted Wed 11 Jan 2023 21.43 by Kevin. Y

Hi hanny I tried acetirin but didn’t work I’ve now been on otezla for 7 weeks and p nearly all gone very little side effects for me hope this helps and good luck

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