I've tested Positive Covid but can I take my next dose of adalimumab (Imraldi)

Posted Fri 11 Mar 2022 21.39 by iamthecount

I've tested Positive Covid but can I take my next dose of adalimumab (Imraldi) I take it for ankylosing spondylitis - I inject every two weeks and tomorrow is my next injection. I was positive yesterday. Just wondering is it safe to just continue?

Posted Sat 12 Mar 2022 09.12 by OhNo_NotAgain?

You might be lucky and someone else has gone through exacly this scenario, and MIGHT see your post. But you will never know if any reply is truthful or accurate, or how reliable the answer would be. You question is one that should definitely be directed to your doctor or specialist /consultant who is overseeing your treatment for ankylosing spondylitis . OR who diagnosed you as positive for Covid? They should also be able to put you in touch with specialist advice tailored to your circumstances. As a start you could even try phoning 111 and getting some advice from there - they MIGHT be able to pass you on to specialist advice, but you need informed medical advice regarding the best way forward. I am not clear if YOU inject yourself, or if you go to a clinic or hospital - if you are postitive for covid, you are almost certainly unable to do that.

Posted Sat 12 Mar 2022 09.27 by iamthecount

Hi there, thanks for your response. I do inject myself by the way with a pen

Posted Mon 14 Mar 2022 10.36 by JennyT

Hi iamthecount. I had covid beginning of the year, and I also inject methotrexate. i spoke to my Rhoumetoligist nurse, and they suggested that I just skip a week, so my immunity could deal with the Covid. Covid was pretty mild for me, and just had a sore throat and was quite tired for a couple of days. It was actually nice to skip the methotrexate for a week too! Hope you're ok, and getting through it!

Posted Mon 14 Mar 2022 19.00 by CBMan

As stated, you absolutely have to speak to your consultant about this. I was on Hyrimoz when I tested positive for Covid-19 and was advised to discontinue injections for about six weeks, so there is clearly quite different advice being given out. It will probably depend on your precise circumstances.

Posted Mon 14 Mar 2022 23.07 by iamthecount

thanks for your responses. Today rheumatology called me back and advised I should skip the dose I was supposed to take and leave it until the next one in 2 weeks as I will be risking pulling my immune system right down further. Makes sense I guess

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