A psoriasis blog

Posted Thu 3 Sep 2015 17.41 by EmilyHume
Guttate Psoriasis all over my body

I am a 22 year old psoriasis sufferer and have started a blog about the struggles of being a young adult with this condition. Any comments would be really great, any topics you definitely want covered... I want to share my stories to help someone else because I know that this is more than just a physical thing and emotionally it can really get you. Check out my polka-dot life : http://adottylife.wordpress.com

Posted Sat 5 Sep 2015 21.29 by claireportelli
I now feel very depressed by my psoriasis in several ways. Firstly the appearance is devastating as people cannot help but look and make co

Hi Emily. I have had psoriasis for two years now and after hours of research, paid to visit a nutritionist. She recommended a diet of no wheat, alcohol, sugar or dairy for three months. She has prescribed a variety of supplements but the main one being probiotics. After three weeks on the diet and two on the supplements, I am a little depressed not to be noticing an improvement yet but trying to remain positive

Posted Sat 31 Oct 2015 03.02 by kiranaar10728
Scalp Plaques and subsequent hair loss - suffering for the last 2 years. I think I ve had intermittent Ps episodes before, although they wer

I've had this condition for over 2 years. It started off as callus on my scalp which will go away after applying some medicinal lotions. But it got more and more persistent over time. My already receding hariline got thinnner by day and obviously I was depressed about the patches being more and more visible as my hair thinned out. I tried numerous doctors who prescribed different medicines and none of those seemed working. Then I decided to try homeopathic treatment for a change. It started to worsen intitially (apparently that this is basic principle of the homeopathic treatment) but I decided to continue. Amazingly, the entire condition disappeared after a couple of months of treatment and the best thing is that, there were no diet restrictions (which turned out to be a boon for me considering the fact that I am a foodie). I was told to continue the medication even if psoriasis subsided as the doctor promised to cure me completely at the end of the course. I suggest people who are suffering from this condition to keep fighting and try homeo medicine and see the effect for yourselves. It, sure as hell, did worked wonders for me.

Posted Wed 2 Dec 2015 19.34 by Ngreen
I have had Guttate & Plaque Psoriasis for decades

I have had psoriasis for close to 30 years. I have posted in other areas, but the main thing is that Psoriasis is not just "flaky/itchy skin" it is an autoimmune disease that can be a missing link to many other issues that you may have going on in your body. Many Drs. and dermatologist who are not very familiar with the disease will just give you topical or oral treatments to address the skin and send you on your way. If you have psoriasis you can become susceptible to many other autoimmune diseases or vitamin deficiencies that can become harmful if you are not aware of them. There are many things that I discovered on my own research that I felt a Dr. should have known and could have saved years of wonder and experimentation of products.

Posted Sat 5 Dec 2015 23.23 by Smoothy
My wife has psoriasis really badly

Hi I'm currently trying to find out some information about psoriasis, my wife has it really bad on her scalp knees elbows it's now really bad on the sides of her legs and bits have started showing on her arms and feet I really wish I could take this away from her she's had light treatment she's tried every cream going and now it's starting to be really hot like sunburn it's getting her down and nothing I do can cheer her up please someone help with any advice

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