
Posted Wed 30 Mar 2022 16.35 by Bradleigh

Hi, has anyone tried this? I've heard it works wonders on some people.

Posted Thu 31 Mar 2022 17.55 by lizziep

Hi Bradleigh - I'm sorry that no one has replied to your question as I was interested to hear any reviews. The Amazon reviews are excellent, but I think we have all learned not to trust raving reviews. I think I might give th shampoo a try, though, to add to my collection of things I use on my scalp!

Posted Thu 31 Mar 2022 20.10 by Bradleigh

Have you tried salicylic acid for your scalp. I got it on prescription and it has a mild steroid in it too. Worked a treat for me!

Posted Thu 31 Mar 2022 22.30 by lizziep

I haven't, Bradleigh - thank you for the suggestion.

Posted Thu 5 Jan 2023 14.29 by Lulu

Hiya Bradleigh, i have tried healpsorin, I’ve posted a lengthy review on another healpsorin post in reply to a query about it on this site ( as wanted to give as much info possible) . I have mild to Moderate scalp psoriasis and used healpsorin for 3 weeks And it did clear the scaling by about 80% BUT left me with another issue which was itching (they say its a sign its working) and my scalp was so unbearably dry it was powdery to the touch (this may be what caused the itching?). I went back and bought the conditioner and this helped the itching a bit but not the powdery dryness. So i had a one week break (from the itching) and just used a normal medicated dandruff shampoo and the itching and powderiness has gone but i could feel the scaling beginning again after one week, as such i used the healpsorin last night and its cleared the scaling, i am going to try alternating this with normal shampoo to keep the scaling at bay and avoid the dryness/ scratching issue and see how i get on .

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